The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS – An Anti-British Rebel?


While the Anti-Ahmadis of today make allegations about the Promised Messiah (AS) that he is a British Agent or wanted to appease the government for personal favors, it is ironic that the spiritual fathers of the same Anti-Ahmadis were doing the opposite during his lifetime. They were complaining to the government and publishing articles lying that he was a dangerous enemy of the British Government and would rebel as soon as he had decent enough following and power.

We have already answered this allegation in detail in our previous article: but in this article, we will show how enemies of Promised Messiah (AS) would lie about him, specifically about him being a rebel.

Muhammad Hussain Batalvi

Batalvi was the leader of the Ahle Hadith (Salafis) and the spokesperson of the Muslims in India. He was the biggest enemy of the Promised Messiah (AS) and would even team up with Christians and other non-Muslims in the propaganda and lies against Ahmad (AS). The following 2 references should be clear.

“His deception is proved by the fact that in his heart he considers it lawful to put an end to the authority of a non-Muslim government and to plunder its belongings Therefore, it would not be proper on the part of the Government to rely on him and it would be necessary to be aware of him, otherwise such harm might be suffered at the hands of this Mahdi of Qadian as was experienced at the hands of the Sudanese Mahdi.”

[Ishaat-us-Sunnah, vol. 16, pg. 168]

Similarly, in an English & Christian magazine, he writes:

What is really dangerous is the course chalked out, for instance, by the Mirza for him- self. He claims to be both, Masin aud Mabdi, and this he does without possessing any heavenly signs. The dangerous character of such a claim will become app rent when the number of the Mirza’s followers will in- crease to an unmanageable extent. Their present number, under the existing conditions and disabilities, can hardly prove danger us but that is no proof against the strong presumption that they are likely to bee me a source of trouble in the future. The doings of the Mahdi of the Soudan and the amount of trouble he gave to the world are not forgotten yet. The movement set on foot by th Mirza in India does not in its essence much difer to my mind from that of the Mahdi of the Soudan.

What I should like to add in that connection is that the Mirza on page 601 of his book the Dafi-ul Uaswas writes:- “When a man disobeys God, the Real Master (God) confiscates his property and takes away his life if be chooses to punish him for his dis- obedience and this he does either through a prophet or direct.” When such are the preachings of the Mirza and when he considers the British Government guilty of disobeying God, also when he openly invites the Government to follow his religion under the threat of heavenly vengeance, who can shut bis eyes against the conclusion? In th light of the above fact the meaning and the worth of the Mirza’s “exhortations” about the unlawfulness of Jehad against the Government cannot for a moineut remain concealed. In fact such “exhortations” cannot deceive the Government and cannot credit the Mirza with good faith unless, of course, the Mirza openly declares that he relinquishes all claims to Masihism and Mahdism and he forsakes the views he has been holding on the subject. It is really strange that such a large number of Muhammadans should become disloyal by simply believing in the coming, in the future, of Masih and Mahdi, while a handful of the followers of the Mirza should remain loyal even after believing the Mirza to be the promised

Masih and Mahdi

[The Civil and Military Gazette, Friday, July 19, 1907]

Padri Imaddudin (Christian Missionary)

He was a Christian missionary who was also a staunch enemy of the Promised Messiah (AS). In a book that he writes against Ahmad (AS), Imaddudin lies:

“And the Messiah is claiming that he wants a large group of Muslims to become his followers, and he is looking for an opportunity to disrupt the peace in India and ruin many homes.

Don’t you think that the imaginary Imam Mahdi is present in Sudan, now the imaginary Messiah should arise from India and the two should unite to punish the infidels.”

[Tauzin ul-Aqwal, pg. 5]

Qazi Fazal Ahmad

مگر افسوس منظور نہ ہوئی ورنہ ضرور تھا غدر کر کے پادریوں کو قتل کرتے اور صلیب کو توڑتے اور اپنے دعوے کی تصدیق میں مسلمانوں پر بھی زور ڈالتے۔

یوں تو مرزا صاحب کہتے ہیں کہ ہم گورنمنٹ کے بڑے خیر خواہ ہیں۔ ہمارے باپ نے گھوڑے دیئے آدمی دیئے ، مگر جب پادری لوگ جو گورنمنٹ حال کے ہم مذہب پیر و مرشد اور بزرگ عیسائی ہیں۔ ان کو دجال مقڑ کیا گیا ہے۔ اور ان کو قتل کیلئے آپ مسیح موجود بنتے ہیں تو پھر گورنمنٹ کی خیر خواہی کیسی ؟ کیا گورنمنٹ کے پیر ومرشد کا دشمن گورنمنٹ کا دوست ہوگا۔ ہر گز نہیں کیا گورنمنٹ کے بزرگ فرقہ کا دشمن اور قاتل گورنمنٹ کا دشمن اور قاتل نہیں ؟ ضرور ہے۔ ضرور ہے۔ مگر افسوس تو اتنا ہے کہ مرزا صاحب کے پاس ایک لاکھ فوج نہیں۔ ورنہ مرزا صاحب کے ہاتھ دیکھتے اور یہ بھی یادر ہے کہ جس وقت مرزا صاحب کے پاس پانچ ہزار سپاہی بھی ہو گئے۔ اسی روز انہوں نے اپنے الہام کم من فئتہ الخ کے مطابق ضرور جنگ کرتا ہے۔ اور فتح کی خوشی کے ارادہ پر اپنے الہام کے پورے اور سچا ہونے پر زور دیتا ہے خواہ کسی موت سے مرین۔ مگر مجھے یہ امید موہوم ہی معلوم ہوتی ہے۔ اب تو میرے خیال میں چیونٹی کو پر لگ گئے ہیں۔ اوور وقت قریب آگیا ہے۔ فقط

But unfortunately it was not successful, otherwise he(Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) would have certainly rebelled and killed the missionaries, destroyed the cross, and forced the Muslims too to accept their claim.

Mirza Sahib says that I am a well-wisher of the government. My father gave horses and men. But the Christian missionaries, who are co-religionists, spiritual leader and elders of the current government…he labels them Dajjal. And to have them murdered, he calls himself the Messiah, then how can he claim to be the well-wisher of the government? Can an enemy of the government’s spiritual leader and elders be a friend of the government? Never! Is not an enemy and murderer of the senior members of the government also an enemy and murderer of the government itself? Of course! Of course! But the regret is that Mirza Sahib does not have an army of one hundred thousand. Otherwise, you would see Mirza Sahib take action. And remember, when Mirza Sahib has even five thousand troops, that very day in accordance with his revelation “کم من فئتہ الخ” he would fight and would be so confident of victory that he would insist on the truth of his revelation even if it meant dying. But this hope seems unfounded to me.

[Kalma Fazal-e-Rahmani, pg. 274-276]

Within this same page, he writes in the footnote that when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) claims that his father gave 50 horses to the government during the rebellion of 1857, that was a lie. Why? Fazal Ahmad claims that if his father did give, then why does he not do it himself? Why does he not help the government now?

The Civil Military Gazette (Lahore)

This Christian magazine wrote an article lying that the Promised Messiah (AS) is a rebel in secrecy. Once he has enough followers, he will indeed prove to be a danger to the government. Ahmad (AS) replied to these lies and explained the Islamic stance on rebellion.

In the reply to the clarifications of Ahmad (AS), the Gazette continues to lie even more but with a new logic:

“…ignores the real point at issue: which is, that he has attacked, and is attacking, not the British Government, and its officials, but Christianity and its missionaries, and in such a manner as is likely to cause very bitter and dangerous feelings in the minds of his followers against the religion of their rulers and its exponents. In the very pamphlet, which he issues as an apology for himself he repeats the epithet for Christian missionaries that The Muhammadan protested against-Dajjal (an Arabic word signifying sorcerer or perverter of the truth). The Maulvi on to say goes that the Christianity of the present day is, “ridiculous,” and “is the outcome of human wickedness.” The pamphlet contains an admission to the effect that the Maulvi had declared in some of his books that he was the promised Messiah (Christ). It will be seen, therefore, that it is scarcely an exaggeration to call the man, even from his own description of himself, “dangerous.””

[Civil & Military Gazette (Lahore) – 19 February 1895]


In summary, anti-Ahmadis are inconsistent and have nothing against us except what suits them at a given point in time. During the British colonial government era, they wanted to be in the good books of the British, thus, they complained to the government about Ahmad (AS). Now they do the opposite as they can’t get any benefit from the British government.

We talk about this in our video in detail. This link should start from the exact timestamp