Tag: Salat
Salat-ul-Witr is the odd number of Rak’at prayed after Salat-ul-‘Isha and before Salat-ul–Fajr Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) The manner of praying Salat-ul-Witr, according to the Promised Messiah(as) ایک صاحب نے سوال کیا کہ وتر کس طرح پڑھنے چاہئیں ۔ اکیلا بھی جائز ہے یا نہیں ؟فرمایا :۔اکیلا وتر تو ہم . . . Read more
It Is Inadmissible to do the ritual Prayer in any language other than Arabic Question: ‘Someone wrote a tract that all ritual prayer should be done in one’s own language.’ Answer by the Promised Messiah (as): ‘That may be some practice, we do not agree with it. The Noble Quran . . . Read more
Promised Messiah (AS) says: All languages were created by God. One should do dua in Salat, in whatever language one is comfortable; because it affects the heart and produces humility. Be sure to read the divine words in Arabic and learn its meaning but do dua in your own language. . . . Read more