The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahlliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Category: Deviants

Hanafis: Write Quran with urine and blood for Shifa

“Radd al-Muhtar” is a very well renowned book by Allama Ibn Abidin Ash-Shami, providing comprehensive explanations and insights serving as a valuable resource for understanding and applying Hanafi fiqh “If one writes Surah al-Fatiha with blood on the nose or the forehead, then this is allowed as shifa. If one . . . Read more

“Sunnis”: Isa (AS) will do genocide of non-Muslims

Introduction The belief in the entirety of the unaltered and unchanged word of Allah i.e. the Holy Quran is the basic belief of Islam. Yet, “Sunnis” do not adhere to these basics. They believe that Isa (AS) will kill every believer for not accepting Islam. It is either the sword . . . Read more

“Sunni” Scholar’s Plagiarism of the First Khalīfah of Ahmadis

Introduction So-called “Hakīm-ul-Ummah” Ashraf Ali al-Tahānwī (Thanvi) plagiarized from Khalifat-ul-Masih-il-Awwal Hakīm-ul-Ummah al-‘Allāmah al-Muhaddith al-Hafiz al-Haaj al-Mufassir Maulānā Nūruddīn al-Bhairawī RA Incident of Plagiarism Ashraf Ali Thanwi plagiarized from an Eid al-Fitr Khutba dated 21 December 1903 by Maulānā Nūruddīn RA and put it in his book ‘Ahkam-e-Islam Aqal Ki Nazar . . . Read more

Mistranslation of hadith of Descent of Messiah by non-Ahmadis

Introduction Non-Ahmadis are known to mistranslate Quran so they can mislead the masses. Sadly, this is not only limited to Quran but also Ahadith. To counter the arguments of Ahmadi Muslims, they also change the translation of ahadith such as this one:  بَيْنَا أَنَا نَائِمٌ أَطُوفُ بِالْكَعْبَةِ، فَإِذَا رَجُلٌ آدَمُ . . . Read more

Muslim women can marry non-Muslims – Lahori Ahmadis

Introduction Lahoris are one of the many deviant sects within Islam. Quran and ahadith clearly establish that Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslim men but these guys believe the opposite. In conclusion, according to Quran, Muslim men and women may marry non-Muslims, while observing the precaution of the marital advisory in . . . Read more

Deobandis – Reading Quran with Translation is Haram

Maulvi Ashraf Thanwi issued a dangerous fatwa declaring it is HARAM to read the translation of the Quran! These clerics do not want people to have a deep understanding of the Quran but want people to recite Arabic like parrots without truly knowing what is being recited, this is a . . . Read more

Barelwis: Weak hadith to prove punishment of Blasphemy

Tehreek-e-Labbaik is an extremist political party in Pakistan, they have attacked Ahmadi mosques many times by destroying the mosque structures like minarets and even burning the inside of the mosques. February 2023, another Ahmadi mosque was damaged making it the 5th Ahmadi mosque attacked in the last 3 months; videos . . . Read more

Hanafis: Scholars overrule Quran and Hadith

This is from the earliest and one of the renowned fiqh books of the Hanafi fiqh. It is written by Imam Al-Karkhi (d. 340 AH) and accepted by the majority of the Hanafis including Deobandis and Barelvis. Every single verse that goes against the sayings of our companions, then know . . . Read more

Deobandi: Sex with Minors allowed

The founder of the Deobandi sect, Ashraf Ali Thanvi says: If a person has sexual intercourse with a minor girl, ghusl will not be obligatory on her. But in order to get her into the habit, she should be made to bath. [Bahishti Zewar, pg 71]

“Maulana” Ashraf Ali Thanwi’s plagiarism of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(AS)

Introduction Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanwi holds the position of Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Physician of the Ummah, among Deobandis. What is utterly shocking is that Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi copied Maulvi Fazl Khan Changawi, Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA), and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(AS). Maulvi Fazl Khan Changwi was an Ahmadi Scholar who wrote Asrar-e-Shariat spanning . . . Read more