Category: Allegations on Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya
Introduction Non-Ahmadi Muslims frequently assert there is a consensus (ijma) labelling Ahmadi Muslims as non-Muslims. They also assert there is an ijma against the beliefs held by Ahmadi Muslims. However, Sunni scholars throughout history have limited consensus to what the companions RA (sahaba) agreed upon. Additionally Sunni scholars have said . . . Read more
Introduction Anti-Ahmadis lie and mistranslate a passage of Hazrat Musleh Maud (RA), Mirza Basheerudin Mahmud Ahmad. They allege that he wanted to attend an Opera to look at naked women. Those who claim this, only expose the vulgarity of their minds. The phrase that Musleh Maud RA stated is: جہان . . . Read more
Introduction Anti-Ahmadis allege that the 2nd Khalifa of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, called all non-Ahmadi Muslims Kafir. They use this allegation to prove that since Ahmadis call others Kafir, non-Ahmadis can also declare Ahmadis as kafir. This argument is really immature for a number of reasons because . . . Read more
Introduction When Anti-Ahmadis cannot prove their beliefs from the Quran or the Ahadith, they go on their usual strategy i.e to waste the time of Ahmadis without coming to the core issues. One such allegation they make is that Albani, a well-known Muhaddith, called the following hadith to be Munkar . . . Read more
Introduction Anti-Ahmadis have had a long time to strawman the Ahmadi Position. The allegations that QERN brings are such: Lal Hussain Akhtar did the same allegation on Qazi Nazir, On which Qazi Nazir Husayn Alim Fadhl wrote a book proving that we are not misquoting the scholars. This article will . . . Read more
Introduction Muslim Lantern/Muhammad Ali (@Chainless_Slave on Twitter) uploaded a video where he lies about numerous beliefs of Ahmadi Muslims. We made a thread exposing those lies and invited him to discuss with us. He hasn’t responded so far. 1) AHMADIS DON’T DISCUSS? Ali claims that no Ahmadi Muslim ever discusses with . . . Read more
Introduction The Anti-Ahmadis allege that people convert to the Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya for monetary or other similar benefits. They use the examples of the community’s humanitarian works in poor areas to lure the population into Ahmadiyyat. They claim that we build schools, and hospitals and provide other benefits to these people to . . . Read more
Introduction Anti-Ahmadis allege that because four out of the five khulafa are related to the Promised Messiah and Khalifatul Masih !! then because of that, they claim that Khilafat is a Gaddi Nasheen which refers to how certain Sufi Orders have their leaders be continuously in the same family The . . . Read more