The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Scholars claimed they had Wahi

Ibn Taymiyyah(RA) says the Aqaid(Beliefs) of the Ahlus Sunnah is to believe in the Miracles of the Awliyah(Saints) and their Mukashaafat.

ه ومن أصول أهل الشئة (أ) :

٢٨۷- التصديق بكرامات الأولياء

٢٨٨- وما يجري الله على أيديهم ؛ من خوارق العادات ، في [ب] 5:

– أنواع العلوم .


– وأنواع القدرة .

ـ والتأثيرات .

From among the Usool of Ahlus Sunnah is to:

(Tasdeeq bi Karaamaat al Awliyah) To Attest, to Testify, To believe in the Miracle of the Saints

(Wal Mukhashaafat) To Attest, to Testify, To believe in the Kashf(Visions) of the Saints

From the principle of the Ahle Sunnah is the affirmation of the miracles of the awliya(tasdeeq bi Karaamaat al Awliyah), and that which Allah performs at their hands of supernatural events from the types of science, visions (wal Mukhashaafat), types of qadr (destiny), and influences/effects”

Aqeedah al Wasitiyyah pg 123

Ibn Taymiyyah – Calls Umar ra the cheif of the mulhimmeena(those who get ilham) wal mukhatabeena(those who allah does khitab to aka talk to) .

فإن سيد المحدثين والمخاطبين الملهمين

من هذه الأمة . هو عمر بن الخطاب

Surely the Leader of the Muhadatheen(Those whom Allah talks to) wal Makhatabeeen(And those Allah does Khitab* to ) al Mulhimeena(those whom Allah does Ilham to) from among this Ummah is Umar bin Khattab

*Khitab means Speech, it is related to the word Khutbah

Majmua Al Fatwa Volume 11, Page 65

This shows that Ibn Taymiyyah believed that people in the ummah got Ilham and khitab from Allah(SWT) after Rasoolullah(SAW)

عبد الله بن عمر قال : كان عمر يقول القول فننتظر متى يقع

وقد قال رسول اللہ ﷺ : « إنه كـان في الأمم محدثون ، فإن يكن في هذه الأمة فهو عمر بن الخطاب ، (۳)

وهذا الحديث أصل في جواز كرامات الأولياء

Rasulullah(SAW) said that there is an Imam of Muhaditheen then inside the Ummah it would be Umar bin Khattab(RA) and this hadith is the basis for the idea of Karaamaat-e-Awliyah(Miracle of Saints)

al-I’tiqad wa’l-Hidayah ila Sabil ar-Rashad

Imam Al Ayni(RH) in Ummadatul Qari – that the hadith of umar ra being a muhaddaas has to do will awliyah karmaat and these karmaat wont end till day of judgment

وهي منزلة جليلة من منازل الأولياء، وقيل: المحدث هو من يجري الصواب على لسانه، وقيل: من تكلمه الملائكة.

And it is a great position from the homes of the saints, and it was said: the muhaddith is the one who is correct on his tongue, and it was said: the one whom the angels speak to.
ذلك على سبيل التوقع، وقد وقع ذلك من

بحمد الله تعالى.

This is as expected, and it happened from
Thank God Almighty.

وفيه: كرامة الأولياء وأنها لا تنقطع إلى يوم الدين.

And in it: the karamaat(miracles) of the saints and that it does not break until the Day of Judgment.

Umdat Ul Qari Fi Sharh Sahih Bukhari by Imam Al Ayni (RH)

‎ ‎قع من ذلك لغيره ما لا يحمى ذكره .

Fath ul Bari