The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Hadith – Muhammad ﷺ was the first Prophet


Some Muslims do taweel of the Khataman Nabiyyin title in Quran 33:40 and the ahadith regarding La Nabiyya ba’di to show that Muhammad (S.A.W) was the last prophet to attain the rank of prophethood. This is not only contradictory to the many Quranic verses but also against this hadith.

Both “Sunnis” and Shias assert that Muhammad (SAW) is the final and ultimate prophet. However, when questioned about the possibility of Isa (AS) coming after Muhammad (SAW), they alter their position and argue that Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet in terms of attaining the highest rank of prophethood. Thus, the coming of Isa (AS) does not contradict it. They contend that no one can attain prophethood after him.

This article aims to demonstrate that even this particular definition lacks foundation in the Quran and Ahadith.

The following ahadith explain that Muhammad (SAW) was the first prophet to attain prophethood and he was Khatam an-Nabiyyin even before Adam (AS) was born.

Hadith # 1: Prophethood established when Adam was between soul and body

This contradicts

قَالَ قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ مَتَى وَجَبَتْ لَكَ النُّبُوَّةُ قَالَ ‏ “‏ وَآدَمُ بَيْنَ الرُّوحِ وَالْجَسَدِ

Narrated Abu Hurairah:

“They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)! When was the Prophethood established for you?’ He said: ‘While Adam was between (being) soul and body.’

[Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3609] – Sahih

This narration was also included by Al-Tirmidhi in “Jami’a” (3609), and in “Al-Illal Al-Kabeer” (684), and by Al-Furabi in “Al-Qadr” (14) – and from His Aajiri method in “Al-Sharia” (946), and by Abu Naim Al-Asbahani in your “Daleel Al-Propheth” (8) And in “Akhbar Asbahan” (2/197), Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi in “His History” (11/378 – 379), Ibn Asakir in “His History” (45/488) – and Ibn Dahim in “His Benefits” (16), and Ibn Hibban in “Al-Thiqaat” (1/47), Ibn Al-Sawaf in “The Second of its Parts” (35), Al-Ajri in “Al-Sharia” (947), and Ibn Shaheen in “Dalail Al-Nubuwwa” – as in “Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihayah” (3/498 ) By Ibn Katheer – and Minister Abu al-Qasim al-Jarrah in “Part Two of his Hadith” (16) – and through Ibn Asakir in “His History” (63/142) – and Al-Hakim in “Al-Mustadrak” (4269), and Al-Lakai in “Sharh Usul Al-Iqdaad” (1403), Al-Bayhaqi in “Dalail al-Nabawah” (2/130), Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi in “His History” (4/119) and (6/253), and Ibn Asakir in “His History” (26/382), on the authority of Al-Walid Bin Muslim.

Hadith # 2: Muhammad ﷺ was the Seal of Prophets even before Adam AS

إنِّي عندَ اللهِ مكتوبٌ خاتمُ النَّبييِّنَ، وإنّ آدمَ لمنجَدلٌ في طينتِه

“Verily, I was [already] ordained as Khatam al-Nabiyyin in the sight of Allah when Adam[as] was still kneaded in his clay.”

[Musnad Ahmad 17150]
Graded Sahih by Arna’ut
Graded Sahih by Al Albani

Khalifatul Masih IV:

“What a magnificent concept! Khatamiyyat is beyond any specific period of time; it is not subject to it…Thus, even if someone was to come in the future, he cannot come without his ﷺ attestation.”

[Mulaqat, 31 January 1994]

Hadith # 3: Muhammad ﷺ was a prophet when Adam was between clay and water

Maulawī Hakīm Nūruddīn RA: Muhammad ﷺ is the first Prophet

Khalīfatul Masīḥ I (RA) states:

“From the well-known statement:

كنتُ نبيا وآدم بين الماء والطين

‘I was a prophet at the time when Adam was between water and clay’

It is clear that our Noble Prophet ﷺ was a prophet before Adam AS and if he was a prophet then he was the prophet i.e. Seal of the Prophets and this is the truth.”

[Al Badr, Sept 23, 1909] [Irshadat-e-Noor, vol. 2, pp. 140]

Imam Fakhrudeen ar-Razi quoting this hadith

Imam Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī quotes this saying of (كنتُ نبيا وآدم بين الماء والطين ) in his Tafsir.

كنتُ نبيا وآدم بين الماء والطين

[Tafsir al-Kabir v.6 p.215]

Shah Waliullah Muhaddith ad-Dehlawi RH authenticates the hadith

Shah Waliullah Muhaddith ad-Dehlawi RH also quotes it.

Moreover, he saw Muhammad ﷺ in a vision where the Prophet ﷺ confirmed that this narration is authentic.

[‘Ad-Durr Ath-Thameen fi Mubashhiraat An-Nabi Al-Ameen ﷺ, pp. 4]

Hadith 4: I was the seal of the Prophets in sight of Allah when Adam was intermingled in mud.

Another similar narration is the following

عن العِرْباض بن سارِيَة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إِنّي عِنْدَ الله لَخَاتِمُ النَّبِيِّينَ وإِنَّ آدَمَ لمُنْجَدِلٌ فِي طِيْنَتِه» .

Narrated by Arbaas bin Sariyah (ra) who said that the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) said:

I was the seal of the Prophets in sight of Allah when Adam was intermingled in mud.”

[Al Wafa bi Ahwal lil Mustafa by Ibn Jawzi, Page No. 25]

This is narrated by Hakim in his Mustadrak 2/600 and Tabarani in his Al-Kabir 18/253, Al Baihaqi in his Dalail an Nabuwwa 1/83, Ibn Asakir in Tarikh ul Dimishq 1/38.

Ibn Hibban in his “Sahiha” Hadith No. 2093, Imam Ahmed in his Musnad 4/127, 128 Hakim said in his Mustadrak (2/600): This Hadith has Sahih chain, Haythami narrated it in Majma Az Zawaid (8/223) where he said: It is narrated by Ahmed, Tabarani, Al-Bazzar, the narrators of Ahmed are those of Sahih, except for Sa’id bin Suwaid who is Thiqa as said by Ibn Hibban.
Thus, as per these ahadith, Muhammad (S.A.W) is not the last prophet to receive prophethood but the first. He was also Khataman Nabiyyin before the creation of Adam (A.S) which proves that the title does not prove him being the last prophet in time, but it is a title of special distinction as we have already explained from the Quran, Sunnah, and Ahadith in the previous articles.

Refutation of Anti-Ahmadi Allegations

Allegation # 1: Does this only refer to Muhammad ﷺ being destined to be a prophet?

The response provided by non-Ahmadi individuals to the aforementioned ahadith is as follows: undoubtedly, the Prophet (SAW) held the position of a prophet in the sight and knowledge of Allah, as He possesses comprehensive knowledge. Similar to how Allah is aware of the prophethood of every other prophet, the same applies to the Prophet (SAW).

However, this interpretation contradicts the intended meaning of the hadith. The purpose of the hadith is to elucidate the exceptional status of the Prophet (SAW), and it is categorized under the chapter titled “What Has Been Related About The Virtue Of The Prophet (SAW)” in Tirmidhi.

It should be noted that the dominant position in ‘Sunni Islam’ is that the Prophet SAW was the first prophet to be created and it is the default position for the Shia.

Furthermore, esteemed Muslim scholars have provided similar explanations. For instance, Imam Suyuti (RH) elaborates on this point by stating:

اور اگر کوئی اس کی تفسیر یہ کرے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ جانتا ہے کہ آپ مستقبل میں نبی ہوں گے ۔ تو یہ تفسیر مناسب نہیں ہے… میں اس وقت بھی نبی تھا جبکہ حضرت آدم سے روح و جسم کے درمیان میں تھے ۔ اس لیے کہ علم الہی میں تو تمام انبیاء علیہم السلام کی نبوتیں اس وقت بھی تھیں اور اس سے پہلے بھی تھیں۔ اس میں حضور نبی کریم ﷺ ہی کیا کیا تخصیص ہے؟ حالانکہ حضور نبی کریم ﷺ نے اس کا تذکرہ اسی لیے فرمایا کہ آپ ﷺ کی امت کو پتہ چل جائے کہ اللہ رب العزت نے آپ مے کو کس قدر مرتبہ اعلیٰ سے نوازا ہے

If someone interprets it as Allah Almighty knowing that Prophet (SAW) will be a prophet in the future, then this interpretation is not appropriate

“I was a prophet even at that time when while Adam was between (being) soul and body.” Therefore, even at that time and before that, Allah knew about the prophethood of all the prophets. Then what special distinction does the noble Prophet (SAW) hold in this regard?

However, our noble Prophet (SAW) mentioned this so that his ummah may realize how greatly Allah, the Lord of Honor, has honored him.

[Al Khasais ul Kubra, vol. 1, pg. 13]

Allegation # 2: First to be created but last to be sent?

This narration/hadith of “Muhammad ﷺ being first to be created but last to be sent’ ranges from Dhaif to Mawdu(Fabricated), thus can not be used as a way to interpret the Sahih authentic ahadith on this matter.


Hence, this effectively counters the argument presented by non-Ahmadis who assert that the arrival of a prophet after the Seal of the Prophet is impossible. However, Muhammad (SAW) clarifies that every prophet, without exception, emerged subsequent to his appointment as the Seal of the Prophets.

CONCLUSION – Prophet ﷺ was the 1st to attain prophethood

– He was the Seal of Prophets before Adam AS

– Every Prophet came AFTER him

– He is NOT the last prophet to attain prophethood.

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