The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahlliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Category: Hadith

Ahmadi View on Mursal Ahadith (Disconnected Chains)

Introduction Mursal ahadith mean that a Tabi is narrating straight to Muhammad (SAW) and the name of the Sahabi is missing. Munqata means that in the chain of Isnad there is a missing link. All Mursal Ahadith are Munqata but not all Munqata ahadith are necessarily Mursal. Mursal Ahadith are . . . Read more

Weak Hadith is Sahih if fulfilled

If the prophecy of a hadith which is considered weak or fabricated is fulfilled, it is Sahih regardless of its narrators. Introduction Ahmadi Muslims hold the belief that if a hadith which is considered weak and fabricated has a prophecy, and that prophecy is fulfilled, then that hadith is Sahih . . . Read more