Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – British Agent? | Video references
Muhammad Hussain Batalvi
Muhammad Hussain Batalvi complained to the government
The third similarity is that the Jews and their leader Caiaphas had created an uproar to arrest Jesus, alleging that Jesus was a rebel against the Roman Empire and wanted to become king himself. Similarly, Muhammad Hussain Batalvi, acting as a Christian witness, created a ruckus in court out of sheer mischief that this person wants to become king and says that all the empires opposing him will be destroyed.
The sixth analogy is that just as Pilate paid no heed to Caiaphas’ yelling and understood that this person is Jesus’ sworn enemy, similarly Captain H.M. Douglas did not pay any attention to Muhammad Hussain Batalvi’s statement and wrote in his testimony that this person is a staunch enemy of Mirza Sahib.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 13, pg. 45, Kitabul Bariyyah]
Certain ignorant persons, such as the editor of Al-Manar, level the allegation that I have only declared Jihad to be unlawful as I live under the rule of the British. What these foolish people fail to realise is that if it had been my desire to falsely please the government, why would I have stated time and again that Jesus son of Mary survived the crucifixion and died a natural death in Srinagar, Kashmir; and that neither was he God, nor the son of God? Would those from among the British who were passionate about their faith not turn away from me? You who are unenlightened! Heed what I say. I have never sought to gratify the government. The fact of the matter is that the Holy Quran forbids religious war against such a government which freely allows Muslims to engage in religious practices and traditions and does not take up the sword against us to propagate their religion. After all the government does not wage a religious war against us. It is incumbant that I express my gratitude to them, for I could not have done my work in Mecca and Medina as freely as I have in this land. The wisdom of God chose that I be born in this land. Then, am I to belittle the wisdom of God? The Holy Quran says: * . In this verse Allah the Exalted explains that He saved Jesus the Messiah from crucifixion and settled him and his mother on an elevated land, which was a place of comfort with streams of running water, that is, in Srinagar, Kashmir. Similarly, God has also settled me in the elevated land of this government, where those who seek to make mischief are unable to harm me. This is an abode of peace. It is a country where streams of true knowledge flow forth, and there is peace and security against the onslaughts of those who seek mischief. Thus, am I not to be thankful for the generosity of this government?
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 19, pg. 75, Noah’s Ark]
[Noah’s Ark, pg. 120 (English)]
Because from all eternity it is the practice of any given age that when such a sect appears among a people whose principles and beliefs are, in the view of these people, contrary to their own, the leaders of that group then try to somehow annihilate that sect and remain busy trying to humiliate it before the people and the Government. Hence, some of the Mullahs of this country have meted out to me this very treatment. The sworn enemy and adversary [of mine], from among them, is Muhammad Husain of Batala, the editor of Isha’at-us-Sunnah. This miserable person has sacrificed his own comfort by remaining busy with swearing animosity towards me. And he has, carrying his disgraceful fatwa about my being a disbeliever, travelled all the way from Batala to Banaras to solicit the seal of approval for it. And when he was not satisfied with this alone, he continued to convey to the Government his unfounded views that I was secretly a rebel and was more dangerous than even the Sudanese Mahdi.1 Even though, prior to this, he himself had published an article about me in Isha’at-us-Sunnah, claiming that it is the height of disbelief that anyone should entertain the idea about ‘this person’ that he had staged rebellion [against the Government].
Our wise Government should remember that of all the Muslim sects, the dangerous sect is the one who holds treacherous beliefs. Muhammad Husain Batalwi’s likening me to the Sudanese Mahdi is nothing but an attempt to mislead the Government. It is evident that neither I believe in Jihad, nor do I believe in such a Mahdi; nor am I waiting for such a Messiah, whose [i.e., of the Mahdi’s and Messiah’s] mission is to wage Jihad and shed blood, what likeness then can the Sudanese have to me and what connection can I have with him? As far as I know, the beliefs of the Sudanese Mahdi have a striking similarity to those of these people. If Muhammad Husain and ten or twenty Mullahs, who are his friends, were asked to express their views on oath, face-to-face with each other, it would become immediately known whether the beliefs of the Sudanese Mahdi are like my beliefs, or those of theirs. It was not necessary for me to mention these things. The Honourable Government is very wise and cannot be deceived by anyone. However, because Muhammad Husain has repeatedly levelled at me the accusation that my circumstances are like those of the Sudanese Mahdi, but rather, they are even more dangerous than those of his, so it was necessary that I should have responded to these lies of his. I am grateful to God Almighty that He has safeguarded me against performing such hypocritical actions. It is not that I, like Muhammad Husain, say one thing to the British Government, and profess quite different beliefs before my co-religionist Mullahs. How shameless and mean is it on the part of Muhammad Husain of Batala that he has concurred with the Mullahs in their beliefs about the Mahdi! Likewise, he has pleased the Amir of Kabul [by professing before him the same beliefs as of his] and thus has received a hefty sum of money from him, as a reward, and yet he has submitted to the Government that, as if, he has no concern with such beliefs and that he takes such Hadith [as comprise these beliefs] to be altogether false and fabricated. Is this a praiseworthy quality? Certainly not. Neither can God Almighty be pleased with hypocrites, nor can any wise Government. For, to be the same both inwardly and outwardly is an excellent quality. The Government will realize why these people are displeased with me, and what is the true cause of their displeasure?
[The True Nature of the Mahdi, pg. 17 & 21]
علاوہ اس کے محمد حسین نے اپنے اشاعۃالسنہ ۱۸۹۸ ء میں جابجا مجھے بد کار اور گورنمنٹ انگریزی کا بد خواہ اور خونی قرار دیا ہے۔
In addition, in his Ishat-us-Sunnah 1898 CE, Muhammad Hussain has repeatedly characterized me as wicked and opposed to the British government, and blood thirsty.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 14, pg. 198, Kashful Ghitta]
After completing this treatise I received an English treatise authored by the editor of Isha’at-us-Sunnah, Muhammad Husain of Batala, published by the Victoria Press Lahore on 14 October 1898. I was greatly dismayed to see this treatise because of the manner in which the author has very shamelessly lied about me and about his belief regarding the advent of the Mahdi. He very deceptively attempts to discredit me as a rebel in the eyes of the eminent government. But, as the old adage has it—and how true indeed—truth ultimately prevails. Therefore, I am confident that this enlightened and perceptive government will swiftly discover the truth of the matter.
The first untruth of Muhammad Husain mentioned in his treatise, which he presents before the distinguished government is that I am a danger to the government; that is to say, I harbour rebellious aspirations at heart. But, I strongly state that if this were true, I would prefer death to a life of disloyalty and treachery. With all due respect, I call on the esteemed government to investigate my state of affairs and teaching as minutely as possible. Further, they ought to question under oath those of my community members who are respected officials, Indian officers, chieftains, and other honourable and educated persons, and who number in the hundreds, as to the instructions I have given to them with reference to this benign government and the vigour with which I have advocated obedience to the state. Moreover, the government should closely reflect on the testimony of Maulvi Muhammad Husain—which he himself wrote in Isha’at-us-Sunnah as a review of my book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah and which has been alluded to in this treatise as well—about the views of both my father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza and myself, with regard to the British government.
Moreover, the eminent government ought to carefully study those writings of mine which have been published over the past nineteen years in their support; in fact, investigate me from every angle. If, after this, the government considers my state of affairs to be questionable then it is my ardent desire that the government ought to give me the severest of punishments. However, if the reports of Muhammad Husain given to the government are found to be contrary to the facts, then as a loyal, well-wishing, and devoted citizen, I respectfully call on this benign government to admonish him for his false representations to the government, which contradict his own admission in his review of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah and which contradict the original view he held for twelve years without fail.
[The Truth Unveiled, pg. 50]
Padri Imaddudin
اور بیجیت کا دعوے کر کے چاہتے ہیں کہ مسلمانوں میں سے ایک جم غفیر اسکے تابع ہو جائے اور وہ موقعہ پا کے ہندوستان کو امن میں خلل انداز ہوں اور بہتوں کی خانہ خرابیاں کہیں کیا نہیں سوچتے ہو کہ فرضی امام مہدی سوڈان میں موجود ہے اب فرضی مسیح ہندوستان میں سے اٹھے اور دونو رل مل کے کافروں کو سزا دیں
And the Messiah is claiming that he wants a large group of Muslims to become his followers, and he is looking for an opportunity to disrupt the peace in India and ruin many homes. Don’t you think that the imaginary Imam Mahdi is present in Sudan, now the imaginary Messiah should arise from India and the two should unite to punish the infidels.
[Tauzin ul-Aqwal, pg. 5]
Qazi Fazal Ahmad
مگر افسوس منظور نہ ہوئی ورنہ ضرور تھا غدر کر کے پادریوں کو قتل کرتے اور صلیب کو توڑتے اور اپنے دعوے کی تصدیق میں مسلمانوں پر بھی زور ڈالتے۔
یوں تو مرزا صاحب کہتے ہیں کہ ہم گورنمنٹ کے بڑے خیر خواہ ہیں۔ ہمارے باپ نے گھوڑے دیئے آدمی دیئے ، مگر جب پادری لوگ جو گورنمنٹ حال کے ہم مذہب پیر و مرشد اور بزرگ عیسائی ہیں۔ ان کو دجال مقڑ کیا گیا ہے۔ اور ان کو قتل کیلئے آپ مسیح موجود بنتے ہیں تو پھر گورنمنٹ کی خیر خواہی کیسی ؟ کیا گورنمنٹ کے پیر ومرشد کا دشمن گورنمنٹ کا دوست ہوگا۔ ہر گز نہیں کیا گورنمنٹ کے بزرگ فرقہ کا دشمن اور قاتل گورنمنٹ کا دشمن اور قاتل نہیں ؟ ضرور ہے۔ ضرور ہے۔ مگر افسوس تو اتنا ہے کہ مرزا صاحب کے پاس ایک لاکھ فوج نہیں۔ ورنہ مرزا صاحب کے ہاتھ دیکھتے اور یہ بھی یادر ہے کہ جس وقت مرزا صاحب کے پاس پانچ ہزار سپاہی بھی ہو گئے۔ اسی روز انہوں نے اپنے الہام کم من فئتہ الخ کے مطابق ضرور جنگ کرتا ہے۔ اور فتح کی خوشی کے ارادہ پر اپنے الہام کے پورے اور سچا ہونے پر زور دیتا ہے خواہ کسی موت سے مرین۔ مگر مجھے یہ امید موہوم ہی معلوم ہوتی ہے۔ اب تو میرے خیال میں چیونٹی کو پر لگ گئے ہیں۔ اوور وقت قریب آگیا ہے۔ فقط
But unfortunately it was not successful, otherwise he(Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) would have certainly rebelled and killed the missionaries, destroyed the cross, and forced the Muslims too to accept their claim.
[Kalma Fazal-e-Rahmani, pg. 274-276]
Mirza Sahib says that I am a well-wisher of the government. My father gave horses and men. But the Christian missionaries, who are co-religionists, spiritual leader and elders of the current government…he labels them Dajjal. And to have them murdered, he calls himself the Messiah, then how can he claim to be the well-wisher of the government? Can an enemy of the government’s spiritual leader and elders be a friend of the government? Never! Is not an enemy and murderer of the senior members of the government also an enemy and murderer of the government itself? Of course! Of course! But the regret is that Mirza Sahib does not have an army of one hundred thousand. Otherwise, you would see Mirza Sahib take action. And remember, when Mirza Sahib has even five thousand troops, that very day in accordance with his revelation “کم من فئتہ الخ” he would fight and would be so confident of victory that he would insist on the truth of his revelation even if it meant dying. But this hope seems unfounded to me.
Civil Military Gazatte (Lahore)
“…ignores the real point at issue: which is, that he has attacked, and is attacking, not the British Government, and its officials, but Christianity and its missionaries, and in such a manner as is likely to cause very bitter and dangerous feelings in the minds of his followers against the religion of their rulers and its exponents. In the very pamphlet, which he issues as an apology for himself he repeats the epithet for Christian missionaries that The Muhammadan protested against-Dajjal (an Arabic word signifying sorcerer or perverter of the truth). The Maulvi on to say goes that the Christianity of the present day is, “ridiculous,” and “is the outcome of human wickedness.” The pamphlet contains an admission to the effect that the Maulvi had declared in some of his books that he was the promised Messiah (Christ). It will be seen, therefore, that it is scarcely an exaggeration to call the man, even from his own description of himself, “dangerous.””
[Civil & Military Gazette (Lahore) – 19 February 1895]
Not praising the government for no reason but clarifying his view because of the lies of enemies
بسا اوقات ایسے نئے فرقہ (جماعت احمدیہ ) کے دشمن اور خود غرض جن کی عداوت اور مخالفت ہر ایک نئے فرقہ کے لئے ضروری ہے ۔ گورنمنٹ میں خلاف واقع خبریں پہنچاتے ہیں۔ اور مفتر یا نہ منجریوں سے گورنمنٹ کو پریشانی میں ڈالتے ہیں۔ پس چونکہ گورنمنٹ عالم الغیب نہیں ہے اس لئے ممکن ہے کہ گورنمنٹ عالیہ ایسی مخبریوں کی کثرت کی وجہ سے کسی قدر بدظنی پیدا کرے یا بدظنی کی طرف مائل ہو جائے ۔ لہذا گورنمنٹ عالیہ کی اطلاع کے لئے چند ضروری امور ذیل میں لکھتا ہوں
Often the enemies and self-interested people who harbor enmity and opposition towards every new sect (Ahmadiyya Community), convey false reports to the government and trouble the government with mischievous and fruitless activities. Since the government is not omniscient, it is possible that the government authorities may develop some suspicion or lean towards suspicion due to the frequency of such false informers. Therefore, I am writing down a few necessary points for the information of the high government authorities:
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 13, pg. 337, Ishtahar, 24 Feburary 1894]
مجھے متواتر اس بات کی خبر ملی ہے کہ بعض حاسد بداندیش جو بوجہ اختلاف عقید و یا کسی اور وجہ سے مجھ سے بغض اور عداوت رکھتے ہیں… میرے دوستوں کی نسبت خلاف واقعہ امور گورنمنٹ کے معزز حکام تک پہنچاتے ہیں اس لئے اندیشہ ہے کہ ان کی ہر روز کی مفتر یانہ کارروائیوں سے گورنمنٹ عالیہ کے دل میں بدگمانی پیدا ہو… اس بات کا علاج تو غیر ممکن ہے کہ ایسے لوگوں کا منہ بند کیا جائے کہ جو اختلاف مذہبی کی وجہ سے یا نفسانی حسد اور بغض اور کسی ذاتی غرض کے سبب سے جھوٹی مخبری پر کمر بستہ ہو جاتے ہیں
I have been repeatedly informed that some envious ill-wishers, who harbor enmity and hostility towards me due to differences in belief or some other reason, convey false information about my friends to the respected officials of the government. Therefore, I fear that their daily mischievous activities may create distrust in the minds of the high government authorities. It is impossible to silence people who engage in false informership due to religious differences, personal jealousy and hatred, or some personal motive.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 13, pg. 350, Ishtahar, 24 Feburary 1894]
ہاں بعض ان کے اپنی بدگوہری کی وجہؔ سے گورنمنٹ انگریزی میں جھوٹی شکائتیں میری نسبت لکھتے رہے اور اپنی عداوت باطنی کو چھپا کر مخبروں کے لباس میں نیش زنی کرتے رہے اور کر رہے ہیں جیسا کہ شیخ بطالوی عَلَیْہِ مَا یَسْتَحِقُّہ اگر ایسے لوگ خدا تعالیٰ کی جناب سے رد شدہ نہ ہوتے تو مجھے دکھ دینے کیلئے مخلوق کی طرف التجا نہ لے جاتے۔ یہ نادان نہیں جانتے کہ کوئی بات زمین پر نہیں ہوسکتی جب تک کہ آسمان پر نہ ہو جائے اور گورنمنٹ انگریزی میں یہ کوشش کرنا کہ گویا میں مخفی طور پر گورنمنٹ کا بدخواہ ہوں یہ نہایت سفلہ پن کی عداوت ہے۔ یہ گورنمنٹ خدا کی گناہ گار ہوگی اگر میرے جیسے خیر خواہ اور سچے وفادار کو بدخواہ اور باغی تصور کرے۔ میں نے اپنی قلم سے گورنمنٹ کی خیر خواہی میں ابتدا سے آج تک وہ کام کیا ہے جس کی نظیر گورنمنٹ کے ہاتھ میں ایک بھی نہیں ہوگی اور میں نے ہزارہا روپیہ کے صرف سے کتابیں تالیف کرکے ان میں جابجا اس بات پر زور دیا ہے کہ مسلمانوں کو اس گورنمنٹ کی سچی خیر خواہی چاہیئے اور رعایا ہوکر بغاوت کا خیال بھی دل میں لانا نہایت درجہ کی بدذاتی ہے اور میں نے ایسی کتابوں کو نہ صرف برٹش انڈیا میں پھیلایا ہے بلکہ عرب اور شام اور مصر اور روم اور افغانستان اور دیگر اسلامی بلاد میں محض للّہی نیت سے شائع کیا ہے نہ اس خیال سے کہ یہ گورنمنٹ میری تعظیم کرے یا مجھے انعام دے کیونکہ یہ میرا مذہب اور میرا عقیدہ ہے جس کا شائع کرنا میرے پر حق واجب تھا۔
Yes, due to their own malice, they kept writing false complaints to the British government against me and while hiding their innate enmity, kept attacking me in the guise of informers, and they still do, like Sheikh Battalvi, may he get what he deserves. If such people were not rejected by God Almighty, they would not have resorted to the creation to hurt me. These ignorant people do not know that nothing can happen on earth unless it has already happened in the heavens, and they are trying to portray me to British government as if I secretly wish them ill, is the height of vile enmity. This government would be sinful in the eyes of God, if it considers a well-wisher and loyalist like me as ill-intentioned and rebellious. With my pen, I have done that much for the British government’s well-being from the beginning until today, that they will not find an equal, and I have written books spending thousands of rupees, emphasizing in them that Muslims should want the honest well-being of this government, and to even think of rebellion in their hearts as loyal subjects is the height of selfishness. Not only have I spread such books in British India, but purely for the sake of Allah, published them in Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Rome, Afghanistan and other Islamic countries, not with the intention that the government praise me or reward me, because it is my faith and belief whose promulgation was an obligation upon me.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 11, pg. 67-68, Risalah Dawat-e-Qaum]
Praised government because they saved from Sikh persecution
Why do their maulavis not stop them from these awful actions which bring Islam into disrepute? One cannot enumerate the comforts which the Muslims have under this British Government. Many who lived under Sikh rule are still with us today. They should come forward and tell others about the circumstances of Islam and the Muslims at that time. The adhan [Call for Prayer], which is a mandatory tenet of Islam, was considered a crime. No one who called the adhan could survive the hatchets and spears of the Sikhs. Did God err in freeing the Muslims from the Sikhs’ transgressions and in delivering them to the sanctuary of British rule? As soon as this government took power, the Muslims of Punjab were, for all practical purposes, granted their faith anew. Since a good deed demands a good deed in return, we should not renounce the blessing that God has granted us in place of Sikh rule as an answer to our many tears and prayers.
[British Government and Jihad, pg. 15, 30]
For example, every other day the Frontier Region’s violent tribes kill the British officers who are protecting their lives and property, as well as that of their Muslim brethren. This is manifest cruelty and a violation of human rights. Do they not recall the time of the Sikhs, who were ready to kill those who merely raised the adhan [Call for Prayer]? What did the British Government do to deserve this kind of treatment for its honourable officials? The British Government permitted complete religious freedom as soon as it entered the Punjab. Gone is the time when we were assaulted for even whispering the adhan. Nobody will stop you if you now proclaim the adhan from minarets, and perform salat [Prayer] in congregation. Muslims lived like slaves in the time of the Sikhs, but their dignity has been restored by the British administration. Their life, property, and honour are now safe. The doors of Islamic libraries are re-opened. Has the British Government been benevolent or oppressive? In the Sikh era, even the graves of Muslim elders were dug up. The Sirhind incident is still fresh in memories. However, this government guards the living among us as well as the graves of our dead. We live under the protection of a benign and peaceful government, which has shown no trace of religious prejudice. A Muslim can perform his religious obligations, including hajj [Pilgrimage], the zakat [obligatory charity] and salat [Prayers]. Or, on Divine authority, he can claim to be the mujaddid [reformer] of the age, a wali [saint], a patriarch, the Messiah or the Mahdi [promised guided leader]. This even-handed government remains uninvolved in these matters, unless such a person violates the law of the land and engages in rebellion. Muslims respond to the government’s tolerance and benevolence by wrongfully killing the innocent authorities who are engaged night and day in serving the country justly.
If this government is not our protector in religious matters, how then are we safe from the attacks of our enemies? Is there anyone who is unaware of our religious circumstances during the time of the Sikhs when the blood of Muslims would be shed for merely hearing the call to prayer? It was impossible for a Muslim cleric to convert a Hindu to Islam. Would Muhammad Husain care to answer where the Sultan of Rome was at that time? What help did he bestow upon us during this time of peril? So how can he be our religious leader and the true Khalifah of God?
[The Truth Unveiled, pg. 62]
Freedom of religion
Another point worth mentioning, which it would be ungrateful of me not to mention, is that we live, by the Grace of God, under the government of a kingdom which ensures peace all around and allows complete freedom to propagate and publicize our faith. We are also privileged to enjoy all kinds of facilities in these blessed days. Can there be greater freedom than that we openly criticize Christianity and no one stops us from doing so. But there was a time, and many who witnessed it are still alive, when no Muslim dared even to proclaim the Adhan— call for prayer— from the mosques. Not to speak of other sanctions, we could not even eat what was permissible in our religion. Action used to be taken without holding proper enquiry. But, by God’s grace, we now live under a government which is free from these defects. It is peaceloving and does not object to holding different religious views. Under its legal system, everyone is free to carry out his religious obligations. Since God had willed that our message should spread all around, He caused us to be born in this empire. We admire this government, just as the Holy Prophetsa admired the rule of Noshirwan. It is an admitted fact that since an appointee of God brings the message of justice and truth, these qualities appear on earth in anticipation, as it were, even before God’s appointee makes his appearance.
[Lecture Ludhiana, pg. 27 & 33]
I speak and testify from experience that God has gifted these people with the courage to be just. In this context, I advise the Muslims to obey this government sincerely. Remember, he who is not grateful to his benefactor cannot be grateful to God.
اوّل امر جو محمد حسین نے خلاف واقعہ اپنے اس رسالہ میں میری نسبت گورنمنٹ میں پیش کیا ہے یہ ہے کہ وہ گورنمنٹ عالیہ کو اطلاع دیتا ہے کہ یہ شخص گورنمنٹ عالیہ کے لئے خطرناک ہے یعنی بغاوت کے خیالات دل میں رکھتا ہے۔ لیکن میں زور سے کہتاہوں کہ اگر میں ایسا ہی ہوں تو اس نمک حرامی اور بغاوت کی زندگی سے اپنے لئے موت کو ترجیح دیتا ہوں ۔میں ادب سے توجہ دلاتا ہوں کہ گورنمنٹ عالیہ میری نسبت اور میری تعلیم کی نسبت جہاں تک ممکن ہو کامل تحقیقات کرے اور میری جماعت کے اُن معزز عہدہ داروں اوردیسی افسروں اوررئیسوں اور دوسرے معزز اورتعلیم یافتہ لوگوں سے جن کی کئی سو تک تعداد ہے حلفاً دریافت کرے کہ میں نے اس محسن گورنمنٹ کی نسبت کیا کیا ہدایتیں ان کو دی ہیں اور کس کس تاکید سے اس گورنمنٹ کی اطاعت کے لئے وصیتیں کی ہیں
The first thing that Muhammad Hussain has falsely presented about me to the government in his pamphlet is that he informs the British Government that this person is dangerous for the Government, that is, he harbors rebellious thoughts in his heart. But I strongly state that if I were such a person, I would prefer death over this unfaithful and rebellious life.
I respectfully draw attention that the Government should, as far as possible, conduct complete investigations about me and my teachings and take sworn testimonies from the respected office-bearers, country officers, chiefs and other respected and educated people of my community, who number in the hundreds, that what guidance have I given them regarding this beneficent Government, and with what emphasis have I exhorted them to obey this Government.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 14, pg. 214, Kashful Ghitta]
Promised Messiah (AS) explains that he only mentions his services to the government because it is his duty. What duty is it referring to? The duty is to clarify the allegation made on him that he is a rebel and a claimant to bloody Mahdi since this is taken from the same
میری طبیعت نے بھی نہیں چاہا کہ ان متواتر خدمات کا اپنے حکام کے پاس ذکر بھی کروں۔ کیونکہ میں نے کسی صلہ اور انعام کی خواہش سے نہیں بلکہ ایک حق بات کو ظاہر کرنا اپنا فرض سمجھا
I did not even want me to mention these continuous services to my rulers. This is because I did not do so out of any desire for reward or compensation, but considered it my duty to make known the truth.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 13, pg. 337, Ishtahar, 24 Feburary 1894]
میں اس گورنمنٹ کی کوئی خوشامد نہیں کرتا۔ جیسا کہ نادان لوگ خیال کرتے ہیں نہ اس سے کوئی صلہ چاہتا ہوں۔ بلکہ میں انصاف اور ایمان کے رو سے اپنا فرض دیکھتا ہوں کہ اس گورنمنٹ کی شکر گزاری کروں
I do not flatter this government as ignorant people think, nor do I desire any reward from it. Rather, from the standpoint of justice and faith, I see it as my duty to thank this government.
[Malfuzat, vol. 5, pg. 221, 7 May 1907, Old edition]
یہ گورنمنٹ مسلمانوں کے خونوں اور مالوں کی حمایت کرتی ہے اور ہر ایک ظالم کے حملہ سے محفوظ کرتا ہے. میں نے یہ کام گورنمنٹ سے ڈر کر نہیں کیا اور نہ اس کے کسی انعام کا امیدوار ہو کر کیا ہے بلکہ یہ کام محض اللہ اور نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے فرمان کے مطابق کیا ہے
This government protects the lives and property of Muslims and safeguards them from the attacks of every oppressor. I did not do this work out of fear of the government, nor in the hope of any reward from it, but solely in accordance with the command of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 8, pg. 40-41, Nurul Haqq, Part 1]
Government is fallible
As for your repeated mention of the British government, it is absolutely true that we are grateful to the British government and are its well-wishers and will remain so as long as we live. However, we do not consider this government immune from error, nor do we consider its laws to be based on scholarly research.
[The Light of the Holy Quran, pg. 76]
Called them names
- Called Christian missionaries Dajjal (manifestation of Satan)
- Called the British government Gog and Magog
- Declared their “god” dead
- “They worship the Satan”
- Invited Queen to Islam
- Called her misguided and in darkness
- Called her “god” a human while addressing her
- Ilzami Jawab on Christians
- Christian teachings useless
- Bible’s Jesus was a sinner
- Bible’s Jesus could not perform a single miracle
Christians worship Satan
The Christian clergies, however, have thrown the truth behind their backs, and whatever they have compiled is mere fabrication. All their efforts are focused on destroying Islam and erasing the signs of the greatest of human beings, our master, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafasas. Having set traps of idolatry, they invite people towards the blazing fire and abyss, claiming that the Messiah has combined in himself the mysteries of [both] Godhead and mortality. They only worship Satan. Those from the Muslims of this country who have accepted their religion and apostatised from the religion of our Master, the Best of Mankind, may peace and blessings of God be upon him, number around eighty-thousand.
[The Ocean of Light, pg. 12-13]
British are Gog & Magog
The first sign of the Latter Days will be the dominance of Gog and Magog, i.e. the influence of Russia and the British
[Testimony of the Holy Quran, pg. 38]
فإن يأجوج ومأجوج هم النصارى من الروس والأقوام البرطانية
کیونکہ یا جوج ماجوج سے مراد وہ نصاریٰ ہیں جو روس اور برطانیہ قوموں سے ہیں
Because Gog and Magog refer to those Christians who are from the nations of Russia and Britain.
[Ruhani Khazain, vol. 7, pg. 210]
[Hamamatul Bushra, Urdu Translation, pg. 74]
Christians as Dajjal
A detailed explanation of all this can be read in this article.
Christian Missionaries and European Philosophers are Dajjal
Dajjal in fact is none other than the people known as Christian missionaries and European philosophers. They act like the two jaws of the Promised Dajjal with which he devours people’s faith like a python. First it is the common and ignorant people who get caught in the wiles of the missionaries; and then, those who happen to escape their clutches being disgusted with the disgraceful and false beliefs, are caught in the net of the European philosophers. I see that the common people are more vulnerable to the lies of the clergy, whereas the intellectual ones are more susceptible to the falsehood spread by the philosophers.
[Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 13, pp. 252-253, footnote]
Blasphemy of Christians – Heavens rent asunder
There have been many Dajjals and there may be more to come. But the greatest Dajjal, whose deceit is so vile in God’s estimation that heaven might well be rent asunder by it, is the group which deifies a mere human being. God Almighty has set forth in the Holy Qur’an various kinds of deceit practised by the Jews, the Polytheists and others, but does not single out any which might cause heaven to be rent asunder. Therefore, we should not designate any group as the greatest Dajjal but the one so designated by God in His Holy Word. It would be most unfair and cruel to try to find someone else as the greatest Dajjal.
On no account can we justify the existence of a greater Dajjal than the present day Christian clergy. Whereas God has designated them in His Holy Word as the greatest Dajjal, it would be the height of faithlessness to consider anyone else to be the greatest Dajjal in contrast to the Word of God. Had there been any possibility at any other time of the existence of such a Dajjal, God Almighty, Whose knowledge transcends the past, the present and the future, would have designated him and not these people as the great Dajjal.
The sign of the great Dajjal, which we can clearly deduce from the Hadith of Bukhari فَيَكْسِرَ الصَّلِيبَ [‘He (the Promised Messiah) will break the Cross.’] is that the great Dajjal would deify Jesus and would attribute salvation to the cross. It is a matter of great delight for the knowledgeable that on this point the definitive verses of the Holy Qur’an and authentic Ahadith are both in agreement. Thus, the truth about this controversial issue has come to the open.
The Holy Qur’an unambiguously designates the Christian clergy as the greatest Dajjal and terms their lies to be so great as could destroy heaven and earth. And the Hadith also specifies that the true sign of the Promised Messiah would be that he would break the cross and slay the great Dajjal. Our stupid Maulavis do not seem to reflect that the main objective of the Promised Messiah is the breaking of the cross and slaying of the great Dajjal. The Holy Qur’an has foretold that the great deception and mischief whereby the order of the entire universe might be upset and the world brought to an end is the mischief of the Christian missionaries. From this it clearly follows that there is no greater Dajjal than the clergy and that he who, having witnessed the revelation of this great mischief, waits for some other, denies the truthfulness of the Holy Qur’an.
Moreover, as the literal meaning of the word Dajjal is a group that pollutes the earth with its deceit, and, according to the Ahadith, the singular sign of the great Dajjal would be his advocacy of the cross, if someone still fails to consider the Christian clergy as the great Dajjal, he is indeed spiritually blind.
[Anjam-e-Atham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 11, pp. 46-48]
The verses mentioned by the Promised Messiah (AS):
And they say, ‘the Gracious God has taken unto Himself a son.’
Assuredly, you have done a most hideous thing!
The heavens might well-nigh burst thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces,
Because they ascribe a son to the Gracious God,
Whereas it becomes not the Gracious God to take unto Himself a son.
There is none in the heavens and the earth but he shall come to the Gracious God as a bondman.
[Quran 19:88-93]
And that it may warn those who say, ‘Allah has taken unto Himself a son.’
No knowledge have they thereof, nor had their fathers. Grievous is the word that comes from their mouths. They speak naught but a lie.
[Quran 18:1-5]
Christian dominance in the Latter Days
The Holy Qur’an then specifies that in the latter days the Christians will dominate the earth, and they shall be the cause of all kinds of mischief running rampant. Waves of calamities will rise on all sides and will race down from every height….They will possess great material strength and dominion, against which all other powers and states will seem powerless. They will also enjoy supremacy in all kinds of knowledge and sciences and establish new and wonderful industries. They will also be dominant in their policies, projects, and good administration, and will show great resolve in their worldly enterprises and will also excel in their endeavour to spread their faith. They will leave behind all other nations in their social, agricultural and commercial policies, as indeed in everything else. This is the meaning of:
مِّنۡ کُلِّ حَدَبٍ یَّنۡسِلُوۡنَ
[‘They shall hasten forth from every height.’]1Quran 21:97
Hadab means high ground and Nasal means to run ahead and to excel. In other words, they will leave behind every other nation in whatever is great and prestigious. This is the major sign of the people of the latter days who were designated as Gog and Magog and this is also the sign of the mischievous group of Christian clerics who are called the Promised Dajjal. Since Hadab means an elevated part of the earth, this indicates that they will achieve all earthly heights but will be deprived of the spiritual heights.
This proves that these people are called Gog and Magog in view of their national dominance. Among them are the people who have left no stone unturned in spreading misguidance and consequently came to be known as the Great Dajjal. And God Almighty has said that at the height of misguidance, the trumpet will be blown and people of all faiths will be assembled at one place.
[Shahadat-ul-Qur’an, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 6, pp. 361-362]
Invitation to Islam to the Queen
Jesus, the Messiah, is truly one of the very beloved and pious servants of God and is one of those who are the chosen people of God whom God purifies with His own Hand and keeps them under the shadow of His light. He is not God as has been conjectured, but has close relations with God and is among the perfect ones of which there are only a few.
Almighty God! As Thy Wisdom and Providence has been pleased to put us under the rule of our blessed Empress enabling us to lead lives of peace and prosperity, we pray to Thee that our ruler may in return be saved from all evils and dangers as Thine is the kingdom, glory and power. Believing in Thy unlimited powers we earnestly ask Thee, All-Powerful Lord, to grant us one more prayer that our benefactress the Empress, before leaving this world, may probe her way out of the darkness of man-worship with the light of la-ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah. [There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet]. Do Almighty God as we desire, and grant us this humble prayer of ours as Thy will alone governs all minds. Amen!
[A Gift for the Queen, pg. 19 & 49]
The Quran is filled with similar deep wisdom and surpasses the Gospels in teaching true piety. In particular, the lamp that enables the vision of the true and unchanging God is borne only by the Quran. If it had not come in the world then only God knows how much the number of people who worship other created beings would have sky-rocketed. Therefore, it is a matter of gratefulness that the Oneness of God which had disappeared from the earth has been established again.
[A Gift for the Queen, pg. 30]
My desire is agitating me as how to inform Her Majesty, the Empress of India, concerning these signs. I am standing as the true ambassador from Hadrat Jesus, the Messiah. I know that what is being taught these days about Christianity is not the true teaching of Hadrat Jesus, the Messiah. I am certain that if Jesus had come in the world again, he could not even recognize these teachings.
[A Gift for the Queen, pg. 20]