Qadianism Debunked?
There is an image that is circulated on the social media in an attempt to refute the beliefs of Ahmadi Muslims. Instead of refuting us, it only showcases the ignorance of the Anti-Ahmadis regarding our beliefs.
We have created a similar infographic as a quick response to it. We will also expand on it and have a detailed answer on this page.

1) Ahmadis reject Khatam an-Nabiyyin verse?
Anti Ahmadi infographic says:
1) Quran 33:40 (not 33:41 in their Quran), it says as in Hafs and Warsh. “khaatam” and “khaatim”, respectively: خاتم وخاتم i.e. Seal and Sealer: Best and Last.
This point assumes that Ahmadi Muslims somehow rejects the verse of Khatam an-Nabiyyin, or in the minimum, that we reject some Qira’ts of Quran.
Ahmadi Muslims agree that Muhammad ﷺ is the Khatam an-Nabiyyin. We also believe in both Warsh and Hafs qira’at of the Holy Quran. Khatam means “The seal” while Khatim means “The one who seals (authenticates)”.
This verse does not prove that Muhammad (SAW) is the absolute last prophet either. “Sunnis” and Shias both agree that Isa (AS) will come after Muhammad (SAW) in the latter days. Thus, it will be Isa (AS) who will be the last prophet to come to the earth, last prophet to do his mission, last prophet to die and last prophet to be buried.1Sunnis reject Khatme Nabuwwat
Moreover, we have explained our point of view in detail in this article and this video.
2) Al-Aqib means Last?
Anti Ahmadi infographic says:
2) The Messenger of Allah said: “I have some names: I am Ahmad…I am Al-‘Aqib, the one after whom there is no Prophet.”
Grade: Sahih – Jami at-Tirmidhi 2840
Firstly, Anti-Ahmadis contradict their own beleifs by quoting the above hadith to prove that there is no prophet after Muhammad (SAW) as they themselves are awaiting the coming of Isa (AS) after Muhammad (SAW). We explained this above as well.
Secondly, Al-Aqib does not only mean “last”. Mulla Ali Qari (RH) quotes Ibn Arabi (RH) and agrees with him:
“Al-Aqib refers to someone who succeeds another person in something good”
[Sharh Mishkat, v5, pg. 376]
Lanes Lexicon, an Arabic dictionary says the same:
عَاقِبٌ [act. part. n. of عَقَبَ;] Coming after [&c.]. (Mṣb.) عَاقِبُ شَىْءٍ means Any person [or thing] that comes after, or succeeds, or comes in the place of, a thing. (Ṣ, O, TA.) العَاقِبُ is an appellation applied to the Prophet (Ṣ, O, Mṣb) by himself (Ṣ, O) because he came after other prophets, (Mṣb,) meaning The last of the prophets, (Ṣ, O.) And عَاقِبٌ لِٱمْرَأَةٍ means One who is the last of the husbands of a woman.
[Lanes Lexicon]
Thirdly, even if we take the meaning that it means the “last”, it only means in the context of law bearing prophets. Thus, it means that the Prophet (SAW) is the last law bearing prophet and no prophet can come after him that will bring a new religion or a new book that abrogates the Holy Quran.
This meaning is not only consistent with the verses and ahadith that prophecize the coming of Messiah (who is a prophet) in the latter days, but it is also consistent with belief of the pious Muslims scholars as detailed here.
3) No Prophet after Muhammad (SAW)?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
3) The Messenger of Allah said: “…There will be no prophet after me…”
Grade: Sahih-Bukhari 3455
This is again a repeat of the above 2 points. Nothing new is presented, rather, the Anti-Ahmads refute themselves by proving that no Prophet can come after Muhammad (SAW), including Isa (AS)!
Anti-Ahmadis will reply that Isa (AS) is excluded from this meaning and it only means that no prophet can be “born” after the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This also has been replied to in the Point #1, but also, it proves something else. It proves that even the non-Ahmadis do not take this hadith literally. They make exceptions to exclude Isa (AS), while their scholars did not.
The pious scholars of Islam has explained that the hadith ‘La Nabiyya Ba’adi‘ or ‘No Prophet after me‘ means that No law-bearing prophet after Muhammad (SAW). This is the view of Mulla Ali Qari (RH), Ibn Qutaibah (RH), Qadi ‘Iyad (RH), Ibn Arabi (RH), Ibn Taymyyah (RH), Al-Suyuti (RH), Shah Waliullah (RH) and many more.2La Nabiyya Ba’adi = No Law bearing prophet after Muhammad (SAW) as per pious ulema of Islam
4) Line of Prophets is closed with me?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
4) The Messenger of Allah said: “I have been sent to all mankind and the line of prophets is closed with me.”
Grade: Sahih-Muslim 523a
Firstly, this is a completely wrong translation of the hadith. وَخُتِمَ بِيَ النَّبِيُّونَ = ‘And the prophets have been sealed by me‘. Seal means to stamp i.e authenticate. This is the true meaning of Khatam/Khatim. This is explained in detail in this article and this video.
Secondly, let’s assume the translation is correct, then we must have to agree that Isa (AS) cannot come in the end times as the line of prophets is closed. He would have to leave his spot in the line and come back in front of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and that is not possible as per the meaning that Anti-Ahmadis ascribe to this hadith.
5) Umar would have been a prophet?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
5) The Messenger of Allah said: “If there was to have a Prophet after me, it would have been ‘Umar bin Al- Khattab.”
Grade: Hasan-Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 3686
Firstly, this hadith has been graded Da’if (Weak) by many scholars like Ibn Hibban, Suyuti, Shaukani, Al-Ajluni and Thus, using it as a definite proof of anything is extremely naive and childish.
Secondly, even if we assume that it is sahih, we cannot accept the meaning that no prophet can come after Muhammad (SAW) as it also contradicts the belief of non-Ahmadis who are awaiting Isa (AS) after Muhammad (SAW). Therefore, the true meaning is that Umar (RA) wasn’t a prophet because there was supposed to be no prophet between the Messiah and Muhammad (SAW):
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : ” ألا إن عيسى ابن مريم ليس بيني وبينه نبي ولا رسول ، ألا إنه خليفتي في أمتي بعدي ، ألا إنه يقتل الدجال ، ويكسر الصليب ، وتضع الحرب أوزارها ، ألا فمن أدركه منكم فليقرأ عليه السلام ” قال أبو هريرة : ” إني لأرجو أن أكون أول من أقرئه السلام من أبي القاسم صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وآكل من جفنته “
The Holy Prophet Mohammed SAW said: “Listen! There is no prophet and messenger between me and the coming Jesus. He will be the deputy (caliph) in my Ummah after me. Verily, He will kill the Dajjal and break the cross and abolish war. Anyone among you who sees him should tell him my salaam”[Tabarani, Hadith #4895]
[Tabarani, Hadith #4895]
Thirdly, it also means that Umar (RA) could not have been a prophet after Muhammad (SAW) as Khilafat was to come right after Muhammad (SAW), then 30 Dajjal and then would be the time for the prophet to appear, who has been named Messiah. This is proven in detail in this article.
For the purpose of brevity, I will only quote the hadith that proves that Khilafat will come immediately after Muhammad (SAW), thus, eliminating the chance of Umar (RA) to be a prophet.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said,
“The Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number.“The people asked, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! What do you order us (to do)?” He said, “Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfil their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put under their guardianship.“
[Sahih al-Bukhari 3455]
6) 30 Dajjal?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
6) The Messenger of Allah said: “…There shall be thirty imposters in my Ummah, each of them claiming that he is a Prophet. And I am the last of the Prophets, there is no Prophet after me.”
Grade: Sahih-Jami at-Tirmidhi 2219
30 dajjal or false claimants of prophets have already come and this has been testified by the Muslim scholars, long before the birth of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS). The references are in this article and the following Twitter thread.
7) Isa (AS) buried with Muhammad (SAW)?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
7) Narrated Abdullah bin Salam: “The description of Muhammad is written in the Tawrah, [and the description that] ‘Elsa will be buried next to him.” (One of the narrators) Abu Mawdud said: “[And] there is a place for a grave left in the house.”
Grade: Hasan-Jami at-Tirmidhi 3617
Firstly, this is not a hadith of the Prophet (SAW) but a narration of a companion. Thus, to use this as a definite proof against the Ahmadi Muslims is childish and naive.
Secondly, the narration has been declared weak by:
- Imam Bukhari (RH)4Islamweb, Hadeeth about ‘Eesa (Jesus) being buried next to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
- Ibn Hajr6Islamweb, Hadeeth about ‘Eesa (Jesus) being buried next to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
- Majlis-e-Ilmi, Dar-ul-Dawah
Thirdly, even the ‘Sunni’ sources don’t accept this narration:
This has been stated by several scholars, among them Al-Aajurri in his book Ash-Sharee‘ah, Al-Qurtubi in At-Tathkirah and others. A weak Hadeeth was reported in this regard. Al-Bukhari cited this report in At-Tareekh Al-Kabeer on the authority of Muhammad ibn Yoosuf ibn ‘Abdullaah ibn Salaam from his father from his grandfather that ʻEesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), will be buried with the Prophet in his house. Muhammad Al-Bukhari commented, “This report is inauthentic in my view and cannot be corroborated (by another report).”
[Islamweb, Hadeeth about ‘Eesa (Jesus) being buried next to the Prophet]
The fact that non-Ahmadis have to use weak and contradictory narrations of people other than the Prophet (SAW) shows that they do not have any argument from Quran or hadith. Rather, this is all that they have left!
8) Last brick?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
8. The Messenger of Allah said that the similitude of him and other Prophets is that of a beautiful house praised by people, but it’s missing one brick, and people would question that last missing brick. The Prophet then said that he is this last brick. Grade: Sahih-Bukhari 3535 & Muslim 2286c
This has been explained in detail in our article here: Hadith – Is Muhammad (SAW) the last brick?
But in short, this hadith does not prove that Muhammad (SAW) is the absolute last prophet from any angle as it will contradict other beliefs of non-Ahmadis themselves who are awaiting the coming of Isa (AS).
Rather, this hadith is proving the superiority of the Prophet (SAW) in comparison to the other prophets as can be seen from the complete hadith below:
١- [عن أبي هريرة:] فُضِّلتُعلىالأنبياءِبسِتٍّ. قيلَ: ماهُنَّ، أيرسولَاللهِ؟ قال: أُعطيتُ جَوامِعَ الكَلِمِ، ونُصِرتُ بالرُّعبِ، وأُحِلَّتْ لي الغَنائمُ، وجُعِلتْ لي الأرضُ طَهورًا ومسجِدًا، وأُرسِلتُ إلى الخَلْقِ كافَّةً، وخُتِمَ بي النَّبيُّونَ. مَثَلي ومَثَلُ الأنبياءِ كمَثَلِ رَجُلٍ بَنى قَصرًا، فأكمَلَ بِناءَه وأحسَنَ بناءَه، إلّا مَوضِعَ لَبِنةٍ، فنظَرَ النّاسُ إلى القَصْرِ. فقالوا: ما أحسَنَ بُنيانَ هذا القَصرِ، لو تَمَّتْ هذه اللَّبِنةُ، ألا وكنتُ أنا اللَّبِنةُ، ألا وكنتُ أنا اللَّبِنةُ
I have been given superiority over the other prophets. I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to me: the earth has been made for me clean and a place of worship; I have been sent to all mankind and I have been made seal of the prophets.
My similitude in comparison with the other prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for a place of one brick in a corner. The people go about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: ‘Would that this brick be put in its place!
[Musnad Ahmad 9337]
There is no superiority in being the last but it means that Muhammad (SAW) perfects the station of prophethood; and this is the meaning of the term, Khatam an-Nabiyyin as well. This is also the same meaning explained by Ibn Hajr (RH) and Ibn Khaldoon (RH).
9) Claimed to be God?
Anti-Ahmadi infographic says:
9) MGA said and wrote that he is Allah, Mary, Jesus. Mahdi, Krishna, and that he is a prophet, and that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is not the last.
Firstly, no citations or references are given for these statements. Therefore, this does not even warrant a response.
Secondly, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) did not claim to be God. It is a lie and we have explained it using the statements of Ahmad (AS) himself in this article: Did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (A.S) claim to be God?
Thirdly, he did claim to be Mahdi and metaphorical coming of Isa (AS) as Mahdi is the title of the Messiah. Not sure how this debunks Ahmadiyya Islam?
Fourthly, Ahmad (AS) himself explained that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is indeed the last prophet to bring a Shariah, a Holy book and the last religion.
“Thus, I am a Prophet. However, this prophethood is not of the law-bearing kind which would abrogate the Book of Allah and bring a new book in its stead. I consider such a claim to be disbelief.”
[Malfuzat, vol. 10, pg. 164]