The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahlliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Alligation – Are revelations of Promised Messiah AS at the same level as Quran?


Anti-Ahmadis claim the Promised Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS claimed to hold the revelations he received, at the same level as the Quran. This is completely baseless and illogical as He AS never claimed this. They misquote the following passage:

I swear by God that I believe in these revelations of mine just as I do in the Holy Quran and other Scriptures. Just as I believe with certainty and conviction that the Holy Quran is the Word of God, so do I believe the Word that descends upon me to be the Word of God, for I behold the refulgence and light of God with it and I find Signs of God’s providence accompanying it.

[Haqiqatul Wahi Page 267]


In the passage above, Ahmad (AS) is not claiming that the status of his revelation is exactly that of the Holy Quran. It is only saying that just like Ahmad (AS) has full certainty that the Quran is the word of Allah, similarly, he believes that the revelations he is receiving are from the same source i.e. Allah.

As per Ahmad (AS), the status and level of the Quran are unlike any other revelation:

The Holy Quran is glorious, the like of which no human or jinn can produce, and it contains such knowledge and virtues that human knowledge cannot encompass. Rather, it is such a revelation that no one can deny its truth, even if there were to be another revelation after it from the perspective of faith. This is because revelations are manifestations of God, and the truth is that the revelation which descended upon the Seal of the Prophets neither happened to anyone before him, nor will it happen to anyone after him. The status of the revelation of the Quran is not the same as the spiritual inspiration received by saints, even though no word is revealed to them similar to the words of the Quran. This is because the scope of the knowledge contained in the Quran is far beyond all other spheres. It contains all kinds of knowledge, wonders, and hidden matters, and its true discourses reach the highest and deepest levels. It surpasses all in its expression and reasoning, and contains the most profound insights. It is the miraculous Word of God, the like of which no ear has heard before, and the majesty of which cannot be matched by the speech of humans and jinns.

[Rohani Khazain, v18, p275-276]


Ahmad (AS) never claimed that his revelations held the same status as the Holy Quran, neither did any of his Khulafa, nor Ahmadis hold this belief. On the contrary, he called the revelations in the Quran, unlike any other revelation. Even non-Quranic revelations of Muhammad ﷺ are unlike any revelation from the past or future. As per the logic of those who make this allegation, revelations of every prophet, saint, and even a kafir hold the same rank as Quran since all of them come from the same source. May Allah guide these blasphemers of the Quran to the true Islam, Islam Ahmadiyyat.

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