Category: Ahmadiyyat
Explaination of Syed Taalay Ahmed Shaheed’s poem Introduction The martyr from UK Syed Taalay Ahmed (Shaheed) wrote a poem for his love for Khilafat, this article explains each couplet. Poem “I love my Caliph more than the others “They only love, I’m only his lover The secret of Taalay Ahmed . . . Read more
Hazrat Maulawi Hakim Nuruddin (ra) – the first Khalifatul-Masih’s question answer session with a Maulawi. It sums up the general belief of Ahmadi Muslims, and answers some basic questions put forward by Non-Ahmadis. It is translated from Al Badr No. 8 August 22, 1912. p. 3 from the original text. . . . Read more
Introduction The perverted and filth minds of the Anti Ahmadis is such that they begin mix their Shaytani minds with what they read. They claim that Hazrat Hakeem-ul-Ummat Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA) (nauzbillah) encouraged a boy to display homosexuality with another boy. This article completely debunks such an allegation. Where the Anti . . . Read more
It is actually a misconception that no Non-Ahmadi Scholar of high repute has considered Ahmadis Muslim. Pre-1974 Ahmadi Muslims weren’t seen the same way that they are seen today by the wider ummah. Although we do not need a certificate of being Muslimness, as a point of order to blast . . . Read more
Introduction A debate that has been raging in the Indian subcontinent for some time now is whether or not Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was Hanafi or Ahlul Hadith. This article shows the holistic and true view of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). Firstly to figure out whether or not Ahmadis are Hanafi . . . Read more
Introduction These are two famous ahadith that are quoted by Ahmadi Muslims because they show despite the Nazul of the Masih, the Masih will be from amongst the Ummah i.e. born on Earth Hadith # 1 Hadith # 2 You might notice that the translation we have presented slightly differs . . . Read more
Altho like Sunni Muslims, Ahmadis believe in the Five pillars of Islam and six articles of faith. There are some serious theological differences. In Ahmadi belief compared to most other Muslims BIG differences like: