Category: Allegations on Promised Messiah

Introduction The non-Ahmadis allege that the Promised Messiah’s (AS) last announcement Akhari Faisla, regarding the Sanaullah was not a Mubahila but a one-sided prayer. Since Ahmad (AS) died before Sanaullah, his prayers were not accepted, and thus, he is a false prophet. In this article, we will show how the . . . Read more
Introduction The non-Ahmadis allege that Promised Messiah (AS) lost the prayer duel to Sanuallah as he died before him. This is not only a lie but a claim that showcases their ignorance of history. In short, he not only deflected the challenge to Mubahila, he actively published announcement after announcement . . . Read more
Introduction Some anti-Ahmadis claim that the Promised Messiah (AS) did not believe Khilafat will be established after him or that he was clueless about it, or that he did not hint at all about it. They also claim that we Ahmadi Muslims are following innovations and contradicting the command of . . . Read more
Introduction Non-Ahmadis make allegations that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (A.S) used a lot of vile language in his writings and that he cursed those who rejected him by calling them “Children of Prostitutes”. To prove this, they quote the following passage in which they claim that the term “dhurrīyyatu’l-baghāyā” means “children . . . Read more
Introduction Some Non-Ahmadis allege that the Promised Messiah (AS) had a dream hat he was going to go to Delhi, so they allege that Promised Messiah(AS) did not go to Delhi after the dream December 6, 1905I saw in my dream that I had gone to Delhi and had returned . . . Read more
Introduction Allah made a personal assurance to the Promised Messiah (AS) that he would die close to the age of 80, in the range of 74 years to 86 years. This promise was made to the Promised Messiah (AS) because He and his family did not know for certain his . . . Read more
Introduction In this article, we will refute another allegation of the Anti-Ahmadis who claim the Promised Messiah (A.S) died of cholera. They claim that since he died of cholera, he is a false prophet. This is not only baseless but also contradictory to the primary sources that describe the death . . . Read more
Introduction To distract you from discussing the true understanding of Islamic concepts, opponents of Ahmadiyya attack the Promised Messiah’s (A.S) character by alleging, among other vile things, that he A.S would allow non-mahmram women to touch him or he A.S would sleep while they were in the room. It should . . . Read more
Introduction One of the allegations that the non-Ahmadis started making recently is that the Promised Messiah (A.S) believed that the Arsh (Throne) of Allah is uncreated. They use Da’if ahadith to prove that he contradicted the Prophet (S.A.W) and thus, he is a false prophet. To prove he denied Arsh . . . Read more
Introduction Another allegation that the Anti-Ahmadis use is that Promised Messiah (A.S) claimed to be God (Nauthubillah). It is not only a lie but shows the ignorance of such people regarding the Quran, Ahadith, and Islamic dreams. His dream is as follows: In a vision I saw that I myself . . . Read more