Category: Maulana Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen رضي الله عنه
Introduction The perverted and filth minds of the Anti Ahmadis is such that they begin mix their Shaytani minds with what they read. They claim that Hazrat Hakeem-ul-Ummat Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA) (nauzbillah) encouraged a boy to display homosexuality with another boy. This article completely debunks such an allegation. Where the Anti . . . Read more
Introduction Assalam Alaykum and peace be with you! It is an indisputable fact that Hazrat Hakeem-e-Ummat Haji-e-Haramayn Karymayn Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA) believed he was a Khalifa appointed by God and that his authority was from God and not from the Anjuman. He delivered many Khatabat(speeches) and Khutbat(Sermons) about Khilafat and while . . . Read more
Introduction Paigham e Sulah (Message of Peace) was one of the final books writen by the Promised Messiah and dealt with Hindu-Muslim relations. When Maulvi Muhammad Ali went to Lahore after 1909 he started a newspaper known as Paigham e Sulah based on that final book of Masih Maud(AS) of . . . Read more
Maulana Noor-ud-Deen and Qudrat-e-Thaniyyah, Dispelling Lahori Shubuhaat One claim that has appeared in recent years by Lahoris and has been regurgitated by Ex-Ahmadi Atheists is that Maulana Noor-ud-Deen(RA) did not consider Khilafat to be Qudrat-e-Thaniyah and thus the claims of Ahmadis and the following khulafa aftern him regarding Khilafat are . . . Read more
Introduction A building in Bhera was bequeathed to the Anjuman by Hakim Maulvi Fazaldin, under his last will and testament, under Al-Wasiyyat. A man from Bhera approached Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I, with a request that it be sold to him at a price cheaper than the prevailing market values, on . . . Read more
Praise of Lahoris? What Lahoris tend to do in order to promote their group is they will take statements of Hazrat Mirza Ghilam Ahmad(as) or Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Awal(RA) where they are praising someone who went on and became a future lahori. Opposition to Mahmud(RA) Sheikh Rehmatullah Sahib, the owner . . . Read more
Lahori Tehreef: EDITING OUT KHILAFAT AND NABUWAT one stroke at a time Believe it or not, Lahoris did edit their books and since we can compare the two copies it becomes strikingly clear what is missing. Basically a book named Miraq ul Yaqeen fi Hayat-e- Noor-ud-Deen was published in 1912 . . . Read more
First Ijmah on Khilafat and the Khalifa being Janasheen Introduction One of the first things the entire Ahmadi Community agreed upon unanimously was that Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat Noor-ud-Deen (ra) was not only the Khalifa but the Janasheen (Successor) of Masih Maud(as) not the Anjuman. The testimonies of the future . . . Read more