Category: Signs of Messiah
Introduction In 1897, a Shia scholar called Sheikh Najafi wrote to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) and challenged him. He claimed that he can show a sign of his truthfulness within 40 minutes, The Promised Messiah (AS) wrote to him and gave him respite. He (AS) told him to show this . . . Read more

Introduction After repeated challenges from Pundit Lekh Ram, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) prophesized his death. The prophecy mentioned that: When this prophecy was published, Ahmad (AS) was 58 years old while Lekh Ram was 35. Just as the prophecy described, Pundit Lekh Ram was stabbed to death in his home, . . . Read more

Introduction One of the proofs of the truthfulness of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) is the prophecy of the birth of the son of the 1st Khalifa, Maulvi Noorudin RA. As per the prophecy, a child was born to Nooruddin (RA) who had boils disease, just as the prophesized. At the . . . Read more
Introduction Speaker’s Corner has Muslims of all sects and nationalities, serving as a valuable place for dialogue between different sects & religions. However, this rich tradition was initiated by Ahmadi Muslims! The first Muslim at Speakers Corner was Khawaja Kamaluddin who was sent at the the time of the first . . . Read more
In-depth analysis of the Ramadhan eclipse signs that happened for the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian in 1894 AD/1311 Hijri. Its sister article is View of Scholars – Sign of the Eclipses. Introduction This article refutes the century-long deception done by non-Ahmadis regarding the Ramadhan eclipse . . . Read more
References of scholars on eclipses in Ramadhan being a sign for the Imam Mahdi – them accepting this as great sign for the Imam Mahdi’s advent. Its sister article is Sign of the Eclipses. This is a compendium, other article is an in-depth analysis. Introduction A compendium of Islamic and . . . Read more
The famous Sufi saint with 10-15 million followers stated: “Hadhrat Mirza Sahib spends all his time in worshiping God, the Exalted and the Majestic: either he is engaged in the daily prayer, or recitation of the Holy Quran, or keeps himself occupied in other religious tasks. And he has set . . . Read more
Paisa Akhbar 22 February 1892 – Janab (Mr.) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib Qadiyani in Lahore Mirza Sahib has been for two weeks in Lahore and he has been attracting the general public but for some reason he has gone to Sialkot. Every person’s home, shop, store, office mentions Mirza Sahib . . . Read more
Introduction Anti-Ahmadis allege that since a few Ahmadis died due to the plague, thus, the prophecy made by the Promised Messiah (AS) is false which proves he is a false prophet. This is yet again another lie made up by Anti-Ahmadis and in this article, we will prove it from . . . Read more
‘O negligent ones! The heavens are about to rain fire!’ Introduction A clear and categorical sign that occurred for Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was the extraordinary meteor shower of March 31 1907 which happened as per a clear prophecy that Hazrat Ahmad (as) made beforehand. In this article, we . . . Read more