The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Deobandis – Reading Quran with Translation is Haram

Maulvi Ashraf Thanwi issued a dangerous fatwa declaring it is HARAM to read the translation of the Quran! These clerics do not want people to have a deep understanding of the Quran but want people to recite Arabic like parrots without truly knowing what is being recited, this is a superficial demonstration, which is devoid of essence. This harmful fatwa is written in Malfuzat Hakeem Ul Ummat, Vol 25, Pg 119-120 and showcases the deviant beliefs these Deobandis have.

For the common people reading the Quran with translation is dangerous…I give the fatwa that reading the Quran with translation is HARAM…Just as how books of medicine are beneficial but only to Medical doctors but not for the patients. In the same way, the Quran with translation is beneficial to those who are acquainted with the religious sciences but for the ignorant it is harmful.

[Malfuzat Hakeem Ul Ummat, Vol 25, Pg 119-120]
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