The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)
Death of Jesus (AS)
Allah has done Tawaffa of Jesus (AS)
Claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on Tawaffa (تَوفي)
Quran 3:55
Quran 5:117
Meaning of Tawaffa (توفى) in Lexicons & Dictionaries
Tawaffa in Quran
How Tawaffa is used in Hadith Literature
Tawaffa V.S Tuwaffa
Can Tawaffa mean take fully?
Can Tawaffa mean sleep?
Non-Ahmadi Quran translations agree
Allah has done Rafa of Jesus (A.S)
The usage of Rafa (رفع) in the Lexicons
Rafa (رفع) In The Qur’an
Rafa’a (رَفَعَ) In Ahadith
Died, then Raised [3:55]
Not Crucified & Killed but Raised [4:157-158]
Allah is Al-Rafi (The Raiser)
Allah does not have a direction
What is the Israa and Miraaj?
The Rafa of Isa (AS) was like of Ali (RA) and Uthman (RA)
The Rafa of Idris explained
Was Isa (A.S) raised through the roof window?
Rafa explained by Scholars
All Messengers have passed away
Quran 3:144
What is the meaning of Khalā (خلا)?
Khala in the Lexicons
Khalat (خَلَتْ) In The Qur’an
Khalat in Ahadith
Al Rusul means All (Laam Istigraaq)
Abu Bakr (R.A) and Ijma’h of Sahaba (Medinah)
Scholars on 3:144 (قَدۡ خَلَتۡ مِنۡ قَبۡلِہِ الرُّسُلُ)
Souls in Heaven
Only souls can enter Paradise
Souls cannot leave paradise
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) only saw souls of the prophets at Miraj
Paradise V.S Heaven
30 verses prove Isa (AS) has died
Quran – 3:55
Quran – 5:117
Quran – 3:144
Quran – 5:75
Quran – 10:24
Quran – 16:20-21
Quran – 16:43
Quran – 17:93
Quran – 19:31
Quran – 19:33
Quran – 2:134
Quran – 2:36
Quran – 21:101-102
Quran – 21:34
Quran – 21:8
Quran – 22:5
Quran – 23:15
Quran – 25:20
Quran – 30:40
Quran – 30:54
Quran – 33:40
Quran – 36:68
Quran – 39:21
Quran – 4:78
Quran – 59:7
Quran – 89:27-30
Was Isa (A.S) crucified?
Salab صَلَبُ in Lexicons
Salab in Quran
Salab in Ahadith
Was Isa (A.S) put on the cross?
Salab explained by scholars
Did anyone survive crucifixion?
Isa (AS) died at age 120
Proof of Salaf-e-Saliheen
Abu Bakr (R.A) and Ijma’h of Sahaba (Medinah)
Jarud (R.A) and Ijma’h of Sahaba (Bahrain)
Ibn e Abbas (R.A)
Ayesha (R.A)
Ibn Umar (R.A)
Fatima (R.A)
Zaid bin Arqam (R.A) believed Isa (A.S) has died
Proof of Scholars
Non-Ahmadi Quran translations agree
Refuting Sunni misquotes
Will all People of the Book believe in Isa (A.S) before his death? (Quran 4:159 – Qabla Mautihi)
People of the Book will disbelieve until the Day of Judgement
Will Isa (A.S) follow the Shariah of Islam?
Can Isa (A.S) be resurrected before Qiyamah?
Did Abu Huraira (RA) believe Isa (AS) is alive?
Sign of the Hour? – Quran 43:61
Can Tawaffa mean take fully?
Can Tawaffa mean sleep?
Muallaq Ahadith in Bukhari
Is Ali ibn Abi Talha unreliable?
Will Isa (A.S) die on his second coming (Taqdim Wa Takhir)?
Was Isa (A.S) raised through the roof window?
Does Ibn Majah 4081 prove Isa (AS) is alive?
Refuting incredibly weak Isa (A.S) alive narrations
Khataman Nabiyyin
What is Prophethood
Understanding Khataman Nabiyyin
La Nabi Badi
3 meanings of La Nabiyya Ba’adi
Understanding La Nabiyya Ba’adi
No Israeli prophets but Caliphs
Ali is to me as Harun is to Musa
Hadith – 30 dajjal
Hadith – Is Prophethood terminated?
Umar (RA) would have been a prophet
Hadith – Ibrahim would have been a Prophet
Explicit explanation of Khataman Nabiyyin by Muhammad S.A.W
Sunnis don’t believe in Khatme Nabuwat
Shias believe Imams are greater than prophets
Khatam in Lexicons
Khatam in Hadith
Khatam in Arabic literature
Khatam vs Khatim
Explicit continuity of Prophethood in Holy Quran
Explicit Continuity of Prophethood in Ahadith
In Durud Shareef, we pray for prophethood
Prophethood is a manifestation of Allah’s mercy
View of Sahaba on Khataman Nabiyyin
View of Scholars – Khataman Nabiyyin
Do Ahmadis deny Khatam means last?
Hadith – Last brick
Hadith – Muhammad (SAW) was the first Prophet
Hadith - Khilafat after prophethood in latter days
Hadith – Last mosque
Hadith – Al Aqib
Hadith – Abu Bakr is best unless a prophet comes
Refuting Sunni Misquotes
End Time is Here
Quran on end times
Hadith on End Times
Sunni View on Endtimes is Based on Weak Hadith
What does the hour mean
Who is Ad-Dajjal?
True meaning of the word dajjal
Quran describes dajjal
Characteristics of Dajjal
Explanation of Ahadith on Dajjal
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) saw the Dajjal in dreams/visions
Dajjal Will Be Killed With Arguments. Not the Sword!
Dajjal will emerge from the Monastery (Church)
Is Ibn Sayyad Dajjal?
Donkey of Dajjal
Promised Messiah (AS) on Dajjal
State of Muslims
State of Scholars in the Latter Days
Loss of faith
Loss of knowledge
Political weakness and suffering of Muslims
Gog and Magog
Who is Gog and Magog
Quran on Gog and Magog
Hadith on Gog and Magog
Muslim scholars on Gog and Magog
Promised Messiah on Gog and Magog
Descent of Isa (AS)
Nuzul in Lexicons
Nuzul in Quran
Nuzul in Hadith
Nuzul as per Scholars
True meaning of Nuzul
How will Ibn-e-Maryam descend?
Why is Messiah called Ibn-e-Maryam
Masih – Imam from among Muslims (Imamajum Minkum)
View of Scholars – Mahdi in 14th Century
Who is Ad-Dajjal?
Masih is Al-Mahdi
Is Mahdi from Ahlul Bayt?
Mission of the Masih after descent
Kill pigs
Distribute wealth
Abolish Jiziya
Masih will get Wahi
Masih will be of Persian Descent
Khilafat after the Masih
Problems with the literal descent
Continuity of Revelation
What is revelation?
Ilham vs Wahi vs Kashf
Wahi in Quran
Muslims who received Wahi after the death of Muhammad (SAW)
Masih will get Wahi
Sahaba got Wahi
Scholars claimed they had Wahi
Allah speaks, idols don’t
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام
Who is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS)?
Why is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) the true Promised Messiah?
Signs of Messiah
Allegations on Promised Messiah
Life of Promised Messiah
Ahmadiyya Jama'at
What is Khilafat?
Need for Khilafat
Ahadith on Importance of Khilafah and its obedience
Khilafat after the Messiah/Mahdi
Are Khulafa infallible?
Can we ever disobey the Khalifa?
Khalifa vs Nabi
Is homeopathy a command of Khalifa
Deviant Sects
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White Minaret
Death of Jesus
Abu Bakr (R.A) and Ijma’h of Sahaba (Medinah)
Abu Bakr (R.A) and Ijma’h of Sahaba (Medinah)
31 Oct, 2022