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Lahori Editing of Books

 Lahori Tehreef: EDITING OUT KHILAFAT AND NABUWAT one stroke at a time

Believe it or not, Lahoris did edit their books and since we can compare the two copies it becomes strikingly clear what is missing. Basically a book named Miraq ul Yaqeen fi Hayat-e- Noor-ud-Deen was published in 1912 it includes Hazrat Maulvi Noor ud-Deen(ra)’s own words as well as the words of Akbar Shah Khan Najeebadi. This 1912 verision is avaiable on Later on Akbar Shah Khan Najeebadi went from being a Qadiani Ahmadi to a Lahori Ahmadi, this time he got his book published again under the auspices of AAIIL in 1979 and when we compare the two sources we find that the lahori one is missing an entire paragraph!

The difference can be viewed at this link. So as you can see they edited out an entire paragraph but the last line is quite crucial. “Allah made one from the sons of Umar (i.e. Nurrudin) the first Khalifa of a Prophet”. Now notice three things:

Removal of Nabi

1) They removed Nabi which shows that the word nabi is harmful to their whole narrative. Their narrative is basically this: Yes, the Promised Messiah(as) and his sahabis called him a non shari(non legislative) prophet, rasool, and linked him to quranic ayah and said he was masum(sinless), everytime they were talking about a level of sainthood or walayat so even though they clearly say he is a prophet, don’t you dare call him a prophet in 2022 or anytime after 1914

Removal of Khalifa Awal but not Khalifatul Maseeh

2) Notice how they removed “Khalifa Awal” but not Khalifatul Maseeh. Khalifa Awal means first Khalifa and Awal there is Thani(second), then Thalis(third), then Rabay(fourth), then Khamsa(Fifth). This shows clear indication that he is a Khalifa made by God and after him will be many more Khalifas made by God however Lahoris instead of making a Khalifa with their viewpoints after Hazrat Maulvi Noor-Ud-Deen’s death they instead said the Anjuman was actual sucessor all along. No wonder they removed it, it would be embaressing for “Khalifa Awal” to be in a Lahori book yet have 0 khalifas since Maulvi Noor-Ud-Deen(ra) and in contrast have had atleast 3 khulafa on the Qadiani Side.

Even calling Maulana Noor-ud-Deen(RA) Khalifatul Maseeh refutes their claim

3) The other reason they took out “Khalifa Awal” but left in Khalifatul Masih. This is because due to a misquote they believe that 14 men of the anjuman are in reality the Khalifatul Masih. This misquote has been refuted here. However what speaks volumes is that no one during Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(ra)time referred to thoze 14 men as Khalifatul Masih nor did they have more authority than Maulana Noor-ud-Deen(ra) during his Khilafat. Even now on the Lahori Website he is the only one termed Khalifatul Masih despite Muhammad Ali and Mahmud(ra) being on the Anjuman at that time. AAIL Link, AlAhmadiyya Link, and link. The second issue with saying that 14 men are in reality the Khalifatul Masih is that in 1910 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih(ra) resigned as President of the Anjuman and apponted Mahmud(ra) yet Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(ra) remained khalifa while not being in the Anjuman.

Family Tree of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih – Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen Sahib

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih is from the progeny of Khalifa Sani Umar Farooq-e-Azam(RA). With your family tree for the information of the common people we have published in the newspaper. Twelve Centuries from today Hazrat Umar was made master of Khilafat Nabawi(SAW). Today one of his Sons, God has made him the Khalifa Awal[First khalifa] of a Prophet. All Praise to Allah for that. – Editor

Original Mirqatul Yaqeen Fi Hayat-i-Noor-ud-Din

Book Link

Family Tree of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih – Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen Sahib

Edited Miraqatul Yaqeen Fi Hayat-i-Noor-ud-Din

Book Link

Now interestingly, the original form of this is perserved through Alhakam which happens to be on their website, The thing is before the invention of the internet common people would not go back and read old newspapers but rather would be more likely to read a book so this is why this type of editing is quite dangerous. The Edited Mirqaatul Yaqeen literally directs you to Al Badr March 28, 1912 and you can see they clearly took out this key paragraph .

Family Tree of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih – Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen Sahib

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih is from the progeny of Khalifa Sani Umar Farooq-e-Azam(RA). With your family tree for the information of the common people we have published in the newspaper. Twelve Centuries from today Hazrat Umar was made master of Khilafat Nabawi(SAW). Today one of his Sons, God has made him the Khalifa Awal[First khalifa] of a Prophet. All Praise to Allah for that. – Editor

Al Badr March 28, 1912 – Family Tree of of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih – Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen Sahib

Badr 1912 Full PDF