Can Ahmadis celebrate Shab-e-Barat?
What is Shab-e-Barat?
Shab-e-Barat, Barat Night, Cheragh e Barat, Berat Kandili, or Nisfu Syaaban (Southeastern Asian Muslims) is a cultural celebration celebrated in many South Asian, Central Asian, South East Asian and Middle Eastern Muslim countries, on the 15th night (the night on 15th only) of the month of Sha’ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar.
Some Muslims believe that on this night, Allah — Majestic and Resplendent — descends to the nearest heaven and looks upon His creation. And from there, He forgives all His servants except idolaters, murderers, and/or those who hold rancor in their hearts toward others. Consequently, they mark the night with special devotions, including offering extra salah, ritual prayer in Islam.
Regardless, as per the Promised Messiah (AS), it is a Bid’ah (innovation) and must not be celebrated at all!