Caliphs of Ahmadiyyat on Israel/Arab conflict
Khalifatul Masih 3, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad RH stated:
اللہ تعالی الحی القیوم ہے اور اس نے انسانی زندگی اور اس کی بقا کے لئے بے شمار سامان پیدا کئے ہیں۔ اس لئے جان بوجھ کر خود کو ہلاکت میں ڈالنا اللہ تعالے کو پسند نہیں اور اس کی نگاہ میں نا جائز ہے۔ اس وقت مشرق وسطی کے مسلمان خود حفاظتی میں لڑائی لڑنے پر مجبور ہوتے ہیں۔ جان اور مال کی حفاظت کے لئے اسلام میں جنگ کرنا ضروری ہے ۔ اگر چہ یہ خالص دینی جنگ تو نہیں مگر خود حفاظتی کی جنگ بھی اسلام میں جہاد ہی ہے۔ پس ضروری ہے کہ ہم بہت دعا کریں وہ بہت دعا کریں کہ اللہ تعالے مسلمانوں کی مڈ فرمائے ، مجھے تو اس فکر میں رات کو نیند بھی ٹھیک طرح نہیں آئی اور قریباً ساری رات ہی دُعا میں گزری۔
فرمایا بے شک اللہ تعالے نے یورپی اقوام کو بہت طاقت دی ہوئی ہے لیکن اسے یے طاقت بھی ہے کہ وہ ان کو اس طاقت کے غلط استعمال سے روک دے۔ اس لئے ہمیں چاہیئے کہ بہت بہت دعا سے کام لیں
Allah Almighty is the Ever Living and Self-Subsisting, and He has created countless means for human life and its survival. Therefore, deliberately putting oneself in destruction is not pleasing to Allah Almighty and not lawful in His sight. At this time, the Muslims of the Middle East are compelled to fight defensive battles to protect themselves. To protect life and property, it is necessary to wage war in Islam. Even if this is not purely a religious war, defensive war is still jihad in Islam. So it is imperative that we pray abundantly, pray abundantly that Allah Almighty helps the Muslims. I was so worried at night that I could not sleep properly, and I spent almost the whole night in prayer.
Indeed, Allah Almighty has granted great power to the European nations, but He also has the power to restrain them from misusing this power. Therefore, we must rely on abundant prayer.
[Al Fazl, 8 June 1967]
Khalifatul Masih 2, Hazrat Mirza Basheer-ud-din Mahmood Ahmad RA:
“Does this issue only affect the Arabs. It is patently clear that the Arabs do not possess the power to deal with this issue and neither does it solely affect the Arabs. This is not the issue of Palestine it is the issue of Medina, this is not the issue of Jerusalem it is the issue of Mecca itself. This is not the issue of Tom, Dick or Harry it is the issue of the dignity of Hadhrat Muhammad [saw]. The enemies despite their disagreements have gathered together in their opposition against Islam. Will the Muslims, despite a myriad reasons for unity, not come together on this occasion. The wealth of America and the schemes and trickery of Russia are both gathered against the poor Arabs. How can Arab tribes oppose those powers that could not be checked by the might of Germany? The time has come for us to decide whether we should die one by one, or work together diligently for victory. I think the time has come when Muslims must decide to either be defeated during this effort or completely wipe out the mischief-mongers opposed to Islam. The air force of Egypt, Syria and Iraq is no more than a hundred planes however the Jews can build up a fleet ten times larger than this with great ease. And maybe Russia will offer them its airbase as a gift.
[Al Fazl, 21 May 1948]
“Today, our objectives cannot be achieved through resolutions but only through sacrifice. If the Muslims in Pakistan really want to do something then they ought to hand over at least 1% of their property to their government. With just this 1% Pakistan can raise at least 1 billion rupees for this cause. And with this 1% much can be done to alleviate many of the present difficulties of Islam. Once Pakistan takes this step the other Muslim countries will also follow her example and fifty to sixty billion rupees will definitely be collected with which, despite European opposition, tools and implements can be bought for Palestine. We will be able to buy goods if we are willing to pay more than the market price. The integrity of the Europeans has a price even though it may be dear. They can definitely be bought though it may be at inflated prices. Hence, I am alerting the Muslims to be aware of these tense times and remember that the words ‘The disbelievers have become one nation’ is being fulfilled word for word. The Jews, the Christians and the atheists have stood up to finish the power and might of Islam. In the past, the European countries attacked the Muslims one by one but now the World Powers have attacked as a unified group. Let us all join together to oppose them because we have no contention over this issue. Hence, we must reduce the period of this prophecy as much as we can through our beliefs, our sacrifices, our unity, our prayers and our humility and once again bring closer the establishment of the government of Hadhrat Muhammad [saw] in Palestine. I think that if we can do this we will turn the ever-growing tide of opposition to Islam, in favour of Islam. Christianity will move towards decline and decay and Muslims will once more step towards greatness and glory. This sacrifice may cleanse the hearts of the Muslims and their hearts may incline towards belief. Then may they become indifferent to the love of the world, may they incline towards the respect and veneration of God and His Messenger [saw] and His faith. And their lack of faith may change into faithfulness, their infidelity into fidelity, their lethargy into alertness and their misdeeds may be dislodged one after another.