Miraculous prophecy of the death of Pundit Lekh Ram

After repeated challenges from Pundit Lekh Ram, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) prophesized his death. The prophecy mentioned that:
- Lekh Ram will die within six years of 20th February 1893
- He will not die from an illness
- He will die via a stabbing with a dagger or sword
- He will die on the day following Eid
- The day or the hour would be 6
- His example would be like the Calf of Samri i.e will be destroyed on a Saturday
- Just like plague came after the destruction of the Calf, similarly, plague will come after the death of Lekh Ram
When this prophecy was published, Ahmad (AS) was 58 years old while Lekh Ram was 35.
Just as the prophecy described, Pundit Lekh Ram was stabbed to death in his home, on 6th March 1897, at 6:30 pm, on a Saturday which was the day following Eid.
Miraculously, this happened in broad daylight, in a Hindu neighborhood with only 1 exit. No one saw the killer escape and no one knew the name of this person who had been regularly meeting Lekh Ram, not even the deceased himself!
Pundit Lekh Ram was the leader of the Hindu sect called Arya Samaj and was a vigorous defender of the Hindu religion. His aggressive attacks on Islam came to define his identity. It was not only Muslims who complained of his militantly aggressive attitude towards Islam, but his followers held the same opinion and openly expressed it in their accounts of his character.
For example, his Arya Samajist biographers write:
His love for Arya faith had made him so prejudiced that he would not forgive the opponents’ weaknesses or shortcomings. He would not stay quiet when anything was said about the Vedas and would say the harshest words in response, regardless of the stature of his addressee.
[Kulliyat Arya Musafir, part 1, Introduction]
[Book: Archive.org]
Furthermore, Lekh Ram saw the challenge of the Promised Messiah (AS) to witness heavenly signs from God in Qadian. Thus, Lekh Ram went to Qadian and demanded a sign from Ahmad (AS) on the spot. He repeatedly challenged the Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) to show the sign right away, even after the explanation that such signs are sent by God so stay a few days in Qadian and he will see them. Lekh Ram made a ruckus and fled the scene and had some letters exchanged with the Promised Messiah (AS).
Therein, he challenged Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) for the same signs and prophecies. For example, in one of the letters, he writes:
اگر آپ فارغ نہیں تو مجھے بھی کام بہت ہے اچھا آسمانی نشان تو دکھاویں اگر بحث نہیں کرنا چاہتے تو رب العرش خیر الماکرین سے میری نسبت کوئی آسمانی نشان تو مانگیں تا فیصلہ ہو
If you’re not free, then I have a lot of work too. Okay, then show me a heavenly sign. If you don’t want to argue, then ask for a heavenly sign regarding me from the Lord of the Throne, the best of the deceivers, so that a verdict can be made.”
[Istifta’, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 115]
Prophecy by Lekh Ram
To further instigate the Promised Messiah (AS), Lekh Ram published the following prophecy concerning the death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS). On April 8, 1886, he prophecized:
My divine revelation has said that let alone a birth of a son, your end will come within 3 years, and none from your offspring will survive.
[Kulliyat-e-Arya Musafir, part 3, pp. 503]
Everyone can bear witness to the failure of this prophecy. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) lived ~20 more years after this prophecy and the majority of his children were born within this time period. Lekh Ram was humiliated while he was alive. He saw this prophecy fail numerous times. Firstly, that the Promised Messiah (AS) did not die. Secondly, through the birth of his children.
It is worth noting that the Promised Messiah (AS) had so much mercy and love for the creation of Allah that before he published the prophecy, he asked the relevant people if their feelings were hurt by the prophecy concerning their death or a punishment, then they should tell him so he can remove them from his book. Alas, Lekh Ram acted arrogant and challenged once more.
20th February 1886
In the coming book, I shall write something about the fate of Lekh Ram and specify the time and date. If such a prophecy happens to hurt someone, he is free to inform me in writing, with his signature, before 1st March, 1886, or within precisely two weeks of the first publication of this article in any newspaper, so that the prophecy whose fulfilment they fear may be excluded from this book and no one may be told about it, lest it should hurt people’s feelings. Thereupon, I received a postcard from Pundit Lekh Ram which stated: ‘I grant permission that the prophecy concerning my death be publicized, but a time limit must be fixed.
[Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 1, pp. 96-97]
[Essence of Islam, vol. 5, pp. 73]
[Nuzul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 18, p.571]
20th February 1893
In the following prophecy, the Promised Messiah (AS) gave a specific period for the death and prophesized that Lekh Ram’s outcome will be similar to that of the Samri’s gold calf. This is in reference to the Gold Calf made by the followers of Musa (AS) when he retreated to Mount Sinai for 40 days. Once he came back and saw Jews worshiping the calf, he had it smashed, burnt, and thrown into the water on a Saturday.
This is exactly what happened to Lekh Ram!
On 20th February, 1886, I published an announcement wherein I proposed to Indarman and to Lekh Ram of Peshawar that, if they so wished, I could publish some prophecy regarding their future destiny. Inderman avoided my proposal and died soon afterwards. Lekh Ram, on the other hand, accepted the proposal with great audacity and wrote to me a letter stating that I could go ahead and publish any prophecy regarding him. Thus, in answer to my supplications, I received the following Revelation from God Almighty:
عِجُلٌ جَسَدٌ لَّهَ خُوَارٌ لَهُ نَصَبٌ وَعَذَابٌ
i.e., This is just a lifeless calf, from which a mournful bleating emanates. For him, on account of his blasphemy and foul language, grief and severe chastisement has been ordained.
Today, Monday 20th February, 1893, when I prayed to be informed about the time of this impending punishment, it was revealed to me that within six years from today—20th February, 1893—this person would suffer dreadful chastisement on account of the foul and abusive language he has used against the Holy Prophet sa. Therefore, I now publish this prophecy for the knowledge of Muslims, Christians, Aryas, and people of other faiths. If this person is not visited by some Divine punishment—which is miraculous in nature, and is distinct from everyday afflictions, and is far beyond ordinary suffering, and is accompanied by Divine awe—within these six years, then let it be known that I have not been commissioned by God, and these words are not from Him. And if I prove to be false in my prophecy I shall be ready to face any punishment, and shall be quite willing to be hanged. Notwithstanding this willingness on my part, a man can’t face greater humiliation that to be proved false in his prophecy. What more can I say? Be it clear that this man is guilty of showing such rank disrespect to the Holy Prophetsa that one shudders at the thought of it. His books are filled with a shocking variety of insult, sacrilege and abuse. Who among the Muslims can listen to anything from these books without feeling his heart torn to pieces? Besides being insolent and spiteful, he is grossly ignorant. He does not even have a nodding acquaintance with Arabic, nor the potential for writing refined Urdu. This prophecy is not a matter of chance. On the contrary, I prayed specifically for this purpose and received the foregoing answer. This prophecy is a sign for the Muslims as well. Only if they would realize the truth, and if only their hearts would soften! I now conclude in the name of the Glorious God in Whose name I had begun.
وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَ الصَّلَوةُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ مُحَمَّدِ بِالْمُصْطَفَى أَفْضَلِ الرُّسُلِ وَخَيْرِ الْوَرى سَيِّدِنَا وَ سَيِّدِ كُلِّ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَالسَّمَاءِ
[All praise belongs to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, Muhammad, the chosen one, the best of all the Messengers, and indeed the best of all creations, our master and the chief of all that is in heaven and earth.]
[Scan: Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 1, pp. 407]
[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 5, pp. 649–650]
[Essence of Islam, vol. 5, pp. 74]
The challenge not only mentioned a punishment for Lekh Ram but also gave a challenge that if it did not happen, the Promised Messiah (AS) will be willing to be hanged.
In the same Ishtehar (Announcement), Ahmad (AS) writes a Qaseedah where he warns Lekh Ram of a death through sword.
الا اے دشمن نادان و بی راه
بترس از تیغ بران محمد
O foolish and misguided enemy,
[Scan: Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 1, pp. 407]
Beware the sharp sword of Muhammad
[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 5, pp. 649–650]
Another prophecy mentioned that his matter would be settled in six. This was fulfilled by the death of Lekh Ram on the 6th of March, at 6th hour of the day.
يُقْضَى أَمْرُهُ فِي سِت
[Arabic] His matter will be settled in six.
[Istifta’ Urdu, p. 17 footnote, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 125]
2nd April 1893
Furthermore, he also published another vision where he saw the angel which eventually murdered Lekh Ram.
Today, on the morning of 2nd April, 1893, which is 14th of the month of Ramadan 1310 Hijrah, in a state of slight drowsiness, I saw myself sitting in a large house with some friends, when a robust and frightful man, who seemed to be in a terrible rage, appeared before me. I looked up and saw that he was a man of an unfamiliar creation and disposition. He seemed not a man but one of the terrible and awe-inspiring angels, and his terror seized the hearts. As I looked at him, he asked, ‘Where is Lekhram?’ He also named another person and asked of his whereabouts. It was then that I realized that this man had been appointed for the chastisement of both Lekhram and the other person whose name I do not recollect. But what I do remember is that he was from among those regarding whom I have already published an announcement. This happened on Sunday at four o’clock in the morning. [Allah be praised for it].
[Barakatud-Du‘a’, Title, p. 4 footnote, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 6, p. 33]
[Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 1, pp. 407]
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) further mentions that this prophecy is a special acceptance of his prayer as Lekh Ram had continued to use profane language against the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
God Almighty gave me a promise and heard my prayer concerning Lekh Ram, who is an enemy of Allah and His Messenger sa and utters profanities against the Holy Prophet sa. When I prayed against him, God gave me the tidings that Lekh Ram would perish within six years. This is a sign for those who are in search of the true faith.
[Scan: Karamatus-Sadiqin, p. 274, Urdu translation]
[Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 7, p. 162]
[Essence of Islam, vol. 5, pp. 73]
In Karamatus-Sadiqin, Ahmad (AS) wrote multiple Qaseedah. In one of them, he is warning a certain Muslim that a sign will be shown on the day next to Eid. This sign was fulfilled when Lekh Ram died on the day after Eid and the Muslim mentioned in the poem is most definitely Muhammad Hussain Battalvi, the Ahle Hadith leader in India.
وَ بَشَّرَنِي رَبِّي وَقَالَ مُبَشِّرًا
سَتَعْرِفُ يَوْمَ الْعِيدِ وَالْعِيْدُ أَقْرَبُ
My Lord gave me the good news and said:
[Scan: Karamatus-Sadiqin, p. 274, Urdu translation]
[Arabic] You will recognise the day of joy which will be closest to the day of the ‘Id [Festival].
[Tadhkirah, pp. 317]
Challenge of Ahmad (AS)
Ahmad AS further challenged:
I freely admit and reiterate that if, as the critics believe, this prophecy results in some ordinary fever or he suffers a little pain or a bout of cholera, after which he fully recovers, it will not be considered a prophecy, rather it will amount to fraud and deception, for no one is free from such illness and we all fall sick at one time or the other. Thus, in such a situation, I will still deserve the punishment that I have stated. But if this prophecy manifests itself in such a way that the signs of Divine wrath are clearly and openly witnessed, then let it be known that it is from God Almighty. The fact is that the inherent greatness and awe of a prophecy does not require that the time and day [of its fulfilment] should be fixed. Rather, it is enough to set a time limit within which the punishment will come. And when the prophecy actually reveals itself with appalling awe, it automatically draws hearts towards itself and all the conjecture and criticism that prematurely take root in the hearts are so vanquished that people who possess judicious and sound judgement retract their previous ideas and feel ashamed of them.
Besides, I too am subject to the laws of nature. If I published this prophecy as a hoax, on the basis of mere presumptions and with some common ailments in mind, then the person who is the focus of the prophecy can likewise make a prophecy concerning me, based on similar presumptions. I am quite willing that, instead of six years, which is the limit I have set for him, he is free to stretch it to ten years in my case. Lekhram at present would be no more than thirty years old. He is a well-built young man enjoying excellent health. I, on the other hand, am more than fifty years old, weak, chronically ill, and suffering from several ailments; nonetheless, the contest will make amply clear as to which is the word of a mortal being and which is the word of God Almighty.
[Blessings of Prayers, pp. 2]
On 6th March 1897, Muslims were celebrating Eid when Lekh Ram was visited by a man who had been learning Sanskrit from him and who had been seen in his constant company for three weeks. Lekh Ram was alone with this new disciple in his room. His mother and wife sat outside the room in the compound of the house. The silence of the dusk was broken by a loud scream from inside the room. Shocked and startled, Lekh Ram’s mother and his wife stormed into the room to find Lekh Ram stabbed, bathed in blood by a deep stab wound on his belly.
Lekh Ram was taken to the hospital where he was medically treated but passed away at 6:30 in the evening. The murderer vanished into thin air after the stabbing. No one saw him leave the street or the neighborhood. No one knew his name either which is astonishing since the person had been regularly meeting Lekh Ram for 3 weeks. Even Lekh Ram did not know his name on his deathbed.
A murder of a pundit and well known preacher of the Arya Samaj, which occurred in Lahore city on Saturday, has caused much excitement. The Pundit, whose name is Lekh Ram, had but recently arrived from Multan. The circumstances of the murder are remarkable. It is stated that a man was in the habit of visiting the deceased for the purpose of conversion to the Hindu religion, and that he spent almost the whole of Saturday with him. About 6.30 P.M., while they were both sitting together, the man is reported to have stabbed Lekh Ram with a long knife in the stomach, wounding him mortally. The Pandit’s wife and mother attempted to catch the murderer who eluded their grasp, wounding the wife in the arm. The Pandit was then taken to the hospital where he died a few hours afterwards. The event caused the greatest possible sensation in the city. His funeral was followed to the burning ghat by a huge concourse of over twenty thousand men. The Police have notified by beat of drum and printed circular, that a reward of one thousand rupees shall be given for the apprehension of the murderer.
[The Civil and Military Gazette, Wednesday, March 10th, 1897]
Testimony of people
This prophecy was witnessed by thousands of people and around four thousand (4000) wrote their testimonies testifying to the fulfillment of this prophecy. This included people of all faiths like the Sunnis, Shias, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc.
270 of these testimonies are listed by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) in his book, Tariyaqul Qulub, with the name, address, and testimony.
چونکہ اس رسالہ میں ایک اہم مقصود جس کے لئے یہ رسالہ لکھا گیا ہے یہ ہے کہ راقم لھذا کو خدا تعالیٰ نے مسیح موعود کر کے بھیجا ہے۔ اس لئے نظیر کے طور پر مندرجہ ذیل نقشہ میں یہ دکھلایا گیا ہے کہ اس دعوے کی تائید میں وہ نشان جو مجھ سے صادر ہوئے ہیں وہ ایسے نہیں ہیں جن کا علم میرے خاص مریدوں تک ہی محدود ہو بلکہ اکثر ان کے ایسی عام شہادتوں سے ثابت ہیں جن کی رویت کے گواہ ہر ایک فرقہ کے مسلمان اور ہندو اور عیسائی ہیں ۔ یہ نقشہ گواہوں کا جو ذیل میں لکھا جاتا ہے یہ اُس نشان کے بارے میں ہے جو لیکھرام کی نسبت ظہور میں آیا ۔ چونکہ یہ نشان در حقیقت ایک عظیم الشان نشان تھا جس کے ساتھ میعاد بتلائی گئی تھی ۔ وقت بتلایا گیا تھا۔ دن بتلایا گیا تھا۔ اور صورت موت بتلائی گئی تھی ۔ اور یہ بھی بتلایا گیا تھا کہ یہ دعا ہے جو قبول ہوئی بلکہ سرسید احمد خاں صاحب مرحوم کو پیشگوئی کے ظہور سے پہلے ایک چھپے ہوئے اشتہار کے ذریعہ سے لکھا گیا تھا کہ آپ کو جو دعا قبول ہونے میں شک ہے لیکھرام کی پیشگوئی کا مقدمہ آپ کے سمجھنے کے لئے کافی ہوگا کہ کس طرح خدا تعالی دعاؤں کو قبول کرتا ہے۔ ان تمام وجوہ کے لحاظ سے اس پیشگوئی کا ایک دنیا کو انتظار تھا۔ اور اس پیشگوئی میں چھ برس کی میعاد تھی۔ اور یہ عجیب نکتہ ہے کہ لیکھرام کی موت شنبہ کے دن واقع ہوئی ۔ اور چونکہ چھ سال خدا کی کتابوں میں چھ دن سے مشابہ ہوتے ہیں اس لئے ساتواں دن جو شنبہ کا دن ہے اس پیشگوئی کے پورا ہونے کے لئے بہت موزوں تھا۔ اور وہ نقشہ اسمائے تصدیق کنندگان مع اُن کے بیانات کے ذیل میں ہے۔Since an important purpose of this treatise, for which it was written, is that the writer has been sent by God Almighty as the Promised Messiah, therefore, as an example, the following diagram shows that the signs that have appeared from me in support of this claim are not limited to the knowledge of my special disciples only. Rather, most of them are proven by such general testimonies that Muslims of every sect, Hindus, and Christians are witnesses to their occurrence. This diagram of witnesses, which is written below, is about the sign that appeared regarding Lekhram. As this sign was indeed a great sign, which was accompanied by a stated time period. The time was told. The day was told. And the manner of death was told. And it was also stated that this is a prayer that has been accepted. In fact, before the prophecy was fulfilled, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (may God have mercy on him) was written through a published advertisement that if you have doubt about the acceptance of prayer, the case of Lekhram’s prophecy will be sufficient for your understanding of how God Almighty accepts prayers. In view of all these reasons, the whole world was waiting for this prophecy. And this prophecy had a period of six years. And it is a strange point that Lekhram’s death occurred on Saturday. And since six years in God’s books are similar to six days, therefore the seventh day, which is Saturday, was very appropriate for the fulfillment of this prophecy. And that diagram of the names of the attesters along with their statements is below.
[Tiryaqul Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 172]
A few of those testimonies are translated as examples:
Testimony #41
Name: Abdul Haq Sahib, Headmaster
Address: Primary Islamiya School, Rawalpindi, 3rd Master
Testimony passage:“Although I am not one of Mirza Sahib’s disciples, I consider the respected gentleman to be a great pillar of Islam, a highly learned scholar, a reformer of the nation, and I acknowledge from the bottom of my heart that this death of Pandit Lekhram occurred according to Mirza Sahib’s prophecy.“
[Tiryaqul Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 179]
Testimony #44
Name: Mawlvi Muhammad Hassan Sahib, Head Maulvi Islamiyya High School
Address: Rawalpindi Bhey, Zilla Jehlum, Tehseel Chakwal
Testimony passage:“Although I am not among those who accept all the claims of Respected Mirza Sahib, I consider Mirza Sahib to be one of the people of Allah (a godly person). I believe that Allah the Almighty had informed Respected Mirza Sahib about this death before it occurred.”
[Tiryaqul Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 179]
Testimony #55
Name & Address: Prem Das, Son of Boora Shah Sahokar, Zilla Jehlum
Testimony passage:“I confirm the prophecy with complete certainty.”
[Tiryaqul Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 180]
Reaction of Enemies
At this murder, Arya Samaj blamed Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) for secretly conspiring this murder. They claimed that since the day next to Eid was specifically mentioned for his death, thus, it was a blatant murder
He used to say that ne would kill the Pandit and that within such and such a time on such and such a day, (ie., one day after the ‘Id) he would die a fearful death.
[Punjab Samachar, 10th March 1897]
[Review of Religion, vol. 3, no. 8, Aug 1904]
[Istifta’, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 120]
This lie about Arya Samaj testifies to the truth of the Promised Messiah (AS) as it shows that even they could not believe it is possible to predict the death of a person, down to a specific day, except through meticulous planning of a murder.
Reaction of Government
Due to these baseless lies of the enemies, police were forced to conduct a complete search of the Promised Messiah (AS) and his house to find evidence of any planning of a murder. Promised Messiah (AS) details this:
Since this prophecy was made a little over four years in advance, and through speeches in many gatherings and also through writings, this information had reached the Hindus that it was written in the prophecy that Lekhram’s life would end in a terrifying manner, and also that his death would occur during the days of Eid, and it would happen within six years, and the prophecy in its explicit words pointed towards the incident of murder, therefore they considered it very unlikely that there could be a prophecy from God Almighty with such clear signs and indications. But they did not consider it probable that any human could utter all these matters of the unseen before time and then show them fulfilled exactly as stated. Therefore, they attributed this inspired prophecy to a human plan and repeatedly published in newspapers with great insistence that making such a clear prophecy and stating the date, day, and manner of death so openly and unveiledly before time is not God’s law. Rather, the truth is that this very person, meaning this writer, is Lekhram’s killer, and this prophecy is the result of deep conspiracies and long-term planned strategies.
On this basis, they unanimously pushed to implicate this writer and filled newspaper columns with the expression of this idea and made reports to the government, to the extent that on Thursday, April 18, 1897, English officers came to Qadian and searched my house. During the search, hand-written letters of Pandit Lekhram were found, and also that agreement paper came out in which conditions were established regarding the showing of heavenly signs, and with the consent of both parties, the raw prophecy was set as the criterion of truth and falsehood. So, in the presence of the District Superintendent of Police, that paper was read, the content of which was that whatever prophecy would be made regarding Lekhram would be a speaking decision between the religion of Islam and the Arya religion.
[Istifta’, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 110]
In this house search, police found nothing and left Qadian. This was another blow to the enemies and a clear sign of the truthfulness of Islam.
Final Challenge of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS)
The police search did not convince the enemies and they continued to lie that Ahmad (AS) had murdered Lekh Ram. In response to this, he (AS) published a magnificent challenge that would become another heavenly sign of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (AS) and Islam.
He wrote:
And if even now the doubt of a doubter cannot be removed, and he considers me complicit in the conspiracy of this murder, as Hindu newspapers have suggested, then I offer a good advice that will settle the whole matter, and it is this: Let such a person take an oath in front of me with these words: ‘I certainly know that this person is involved in the conspiracy of murder or the murder occurred by his order.’ Then, if this is not true, may the Almighty God inflict upon him within a year a terrible punishment that is not by human hands, nor can human plans have any conceivable role in it. So if this person survives my curse for a year, then I am guilty and deserving of the punishment that should be for a murderer.
Now if there is any brave-hearted Arya who can rid the whole world of doubts in this way, let him adopt this method. This method is extremely simple and a decision of righteousness. Perhaps this method might also benefit our opposing Maulvis. I have written this with a sincere heart, but remember that the one attempting such a test should come to Qadian himself; his travel expenses will be my responsibility. The writings of both sides will be published. If God does not destroy him with such a punishment that has no mixture of human hands, then I will be proven a liar, and let the whole world witness that in this case, I will deserve the punishment that should be given to a murderer guilty of murder. I cannot go from this place to another location. The challenger should come himself, but the challenger should be a person who is very brave of heart, young, and strong.
Now after this, it will be extremely shameless for anyone to cast such impure doubts on me in absentia. I have put forth the method of decision. If I back away after this, may God’s curse be upon me, and if any objector does not desist from slanders and is not interested in investigation through this method of decision, then curse be upon him.
[Siraj-e-Munir, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 29]
[Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 2, pp. 236]
Reply of the enemies
No one dared come forward for this simple, and easy challenge, except one Hindu but with multiple conditions. Once the Promised Messiah (AS) accepted his conditions, he also eloped like the other Hindus who were slandering the Promised Messiah (AS).
The first response of Hindu
The Hindu, Lala Ganga Bishen accepted the challenge but added a condition to it:
- Ahmad (AS) deposits 10,000 Rs in a bank or with the government. He will get this amount if he does not die in 1 year
Reply of Ahmad (AS)
Ahmad (AS) accepted these conditions and added 1 more condition as well:
- Ganga Bishen must publish an announcement in a well-known newspaper that if he dies within the year, then Islam is the truth and all other religions like Aryam Mat, Sanatan Dharam, and Christianity are all false.
The full reply can be read here:
“Readers will remember that in my notice of March 15, 1897, in which the thoughts of Arya gentlemen regarding Lekhram’s death were written, I had written in the second column of the second page that if even now the doubt of a doubter cannot be removed and he believes about me that I am somehow complicit in the conspiracy of murder, then such a person should take an oath in front of me with these words: ‘I certainly know that this person is complicit in the conspiracy of murder, and if this is not true, then within a year, may that terrible punishment befall me which is terrifying, but not by human hands, nor can human plans have any conceivable role in it.’ So if this person survives such punishment for a year, then I will be guilty and deserving of the punishment that should be for a murderer.
After this notice, a gentleman named Ganga Bishen, through the newspaper Samachar published on April 3, 1897, expressed his readiness to take the oath and clearly agreed that he was ready to take the oath as per the intention of the notice of March 15, 1897. He even said that after his oath, no one would stand before you in the future, meaning all opposing groups would be left without an answer. But he added an extra condition from his side that he would take the oath only if ten thousand rupees were collected for him, with the clarification that if he remained alive, he would be entitled to this money.
So we accepted this new condition, which was beyond the intention of our notice, with the condition that Lala Ganga Bishen should publish the following detailed content of the oath through some famous newspaper and also come to Qadian and take this oath in person, mentioning my name, that in reality this person is complicit in Lekhram’s murder and his death occurred due to his secret conspiracy, and if this is not true, then may I die within a year in a way that human plans have no role in. And similarly, through the newspaper and also in person, he should declare that if I die within a year according to the intention of this oath, then my death will be a testimony that in reality Lekhram was destroyed by God’s wrath and according to the prophecy, and it will also be a testimony that in reality Islam is the true religion and all other religions like Arya Mat, Sanatan Dharm, and Christianity, etc., are all corrupted beliefs.
On this, Lala Bishen Sahib published this useless excuse in the supplement of Bharat Sudhar on April 11, 1897, and Hamdard Hind on April 12, 1897, that this condition was not present in the notice of April 15, 1897 [likely a typo, should be March 15]. Therefore, we inform him that firstly, you yourself did not adhere to our notice of March 15, 1897, and added an extra condition from your side to collect ten thousand rupees. Upon which we had the right to make as many amendments to the first notice as we wanted on your such amendment, and this is a straightforward matter that you took a step beyond the intention of our notice and added a new condition for your benefit. Therefore, it was also our right that we too could add as much as we wanted in response to the new condition.”
[Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 2, pp. 265, 16 April 1897]
The second response from the Hindu
Ganga Bashan was not happy that Ahmad (AS) also added a condition so he made a new condition:
- Ahmad (AS) must be hanged if he does not die within a year and the body of Ahmad (AS) must be sent to him so he can do whatever with it
Reply of Ahmad (AS)
Ahmad (AS) agreed to this condition as well. However, just like Ganga Bishen added a new condition, Ahmad (AS) added one as well:
- If Ganga Bishen indeed dies within 1 year, his body will be sent to Qadian where it will be made into a mummy and displayed in Lahore or some Museum as a living sign of the truthfulness of Islam.
Full reply of Ahmad (AS):
“Note: In Hamdard Hind Lahore, April 12, 1897, Ganga Bishan Sahib has added one more condition, which is that when I, meaning this writer, am executed by hanging in case I am proven to be a liar as per the resolution, then my corpse should be given to him, that is to Ganga Bishan, and then he can do whatever he wishes with that corpse. He can cremate it, throw it in the river, or dispose of it in any other way.
This condition is also acceptable to me, and in my view too, the corpse of a liar is worthy of every humiliation. This condition was necessary, which Lala Ganga Ram Sahib remembered at the right moment. However, it is also our right to establish the same condition for ourselves in return. And that is, when Ganga Bishen Ram Sahib dies according to the intention of the prophecy, then his corpse should also be given to us so that it remains in our possession as a sign of victory. We will not destroy this corpse but will preserve it with appropriate materials as a sign of victory and display it for public view or place it in the Lahore Museum.
But since some excellent arrangement is needed right now to receive the corpse, therefore no arrangement seems better than this: Out of the fifty or sixty thousand rupees that have been collected as a memorial for Pandit Lekhram, ten thousand rupees should be deposited in the government bank as a guarantee for the corpse. And it should be written in the treasury documents that if Ganga Ram dies within a year and his corpse is not handed over to us, then in lieu of it, as the price of the corpse or as compensation for not handing over the corpse, ten thousand rupees will be given to us. And a copy of such an agreement and the treasury officer’s signature should also be given to me.”
[Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 2, pp. 272, 16 April 1897]
The third response of Hindu and his evasion
Ganga Bishen could not dare take an oath, even after he was the one to add new conditions to the challenge, and said that he could not deposit the amount nor was he related to Arya Samaj.
Reply by Ahmad (AS)
This concluded the back and forth between Ahmad (AS) where he finally said:
In short, now the conditions will not be increased or decreased at all. Lala Ganga Bishen should remember that there was no condition of ten thousand rupees in our notice. We had accepted their proposition only with the consideration that this money would be a sign of victory for them instead of our hanging. So if they are truthful in their opinion according to the Arya nation, who are the original claimants and heirs of Lekhram and hold honor for him, then they should collect ten thousand rupees from them or take it from that person who has promised substantial help, that is, the one they have mentioned on page seven of the notice.
[Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 2, pp. 282, 27 April 1897]
This prophecy is a magnificent proof of the truthfulness of Islam and the existence of God Almighty. A mere human can’t predict the death of an individual with such specificity. He also challenged his accusers to swear publicly that he was the killer, saying they would die within a year if they lied. This bold move adds weight to the event.
Let’s summarize.
- Lekh Ram was a blasphemer of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who specifically asked for a death prophecy concerning him.
- Lekh Ram continued to mock Ahmad (AS) and prophesized his death within 3 years and the death of his children.
- Ahmad (AS) prayed to God and prophesized that
- Lekh Ram would die within 6 years of 20th February 1893
- This won’t be a death through an illness
- It will be a death through murder, specifically via a sword/dagger
- He will be cut like Samri’s cow, burnt, and then thrown into water on Saturday
- Plague will arrive after the death of Lekh Ram just as it came after the destruction of Samri’s Calf
- This will happen on the day following Eid
- The day or time of the day will be 6
- Lekh Ram was stabbed to death within 4 years, on Saturday, 6th March 1897, at the 6th hour of the day (6:30 pm)
- Lekh Ram, nor others with him knew the name of the killer even though he had been consistently meeting Lekh Ram for the past 3 weeks. Furthermore, the killer was never caught.
- Thousands of Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and others testified to the fulfillment of this prophecy.
- At the time of the prophecy, Ahmad (AS) was a 58-year-old man with lifelong illnesses while Lekh Ram was a healthy 35-years young man.