Paisa Akhar – Febuary 22, 1892 – Defending Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS

Paisa Akhbar 22 February 1892 – Janab (Mr.) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib Qadiyani in Lahore
Mirza Sahib has been for two weeks in Lahore and he has been attracting the general public but for some reason he has gone to Sialkot. Every person’s home, shop, store, office mentions Mirza Sahib and his claim of similitude of the Messiah. Till today newspapers have written columns on columns and sheets upon sheets on Mirza Sahib’s situation and either supporting his Aqaid or refuting it.
But we have excellently not touched this topic and the main reason for this is that Paisa Akhbar is not a religious Newspaper. But because this situation is now in the public interest and few people have asked about Paisa Akhbar’s opinion on Mirza Sahib, for this reason we make apparent one or two things.
Speaking in favor of Mirza Sahib we say that the fatwa kufr against him has brought us extreme disappointment. If a Muslim does Zina, steals, becomes an adherent of atheism, drinks alcohol, or does some great sin then never will Ulema-e-Islam takfir these people. But rather they have takfired a God-fearing Maulvi who follows قل اللہ [what Allah has said] and قل الرسل [what Rasool ﷺ has stated] , on the basis of juzwi (minute) differences.
We do not say that every person has to accept every statement of Mirza Sahib however our respected Maulvis should show the same ability and strength in spending time against Non-Muslims that they are spending time against Mirza Sahib.
Poet Saadi says: Fear of the hands of others may silence you, but crying out about yourself will save you.
Ahle-Islam can remain satisfied that Mirza Sahib has never damaged Islam. And our aqaid is that it is out of his power to do so. If Ahle Hindu, specifically Aryas,and Christians stand up with vigor to oppose Mirza Sahib then this was not unjustified. All of Mirza Sahib’s efforts have been spent opposing Christians and Aryas and helping the Muslims which is made clear by his famous published works such as Barheen-e-Ahmadiyya and Surma Chashma Arya and his later articles.
Aside from this what can be said? وما علینا الا البلاغ (We have to just report).
It would also be appropriate to mention that we are definitely not followers of Mirza Sahib.
Paisa Akhbar – Febuary 22, 1892