Flames of Heaven: Sign of March 31, 1907
‘O negligent ones! The heavens are about to rain fire!’

A clear and categorical sign that occurred for Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was the extraordinary meteor shower of March 31 1907 which happened as per a clear prophecy that Hazrat Ahmad (as) made beforehand. In this article, we will go over the prophecy, its fulfilment, first-hand accounts and newspapers that attested to it.
On March 7 1907 Hazrat Ahmad (as) received the divine revelation:
پچیس دن یا یہ کہ پچیس دن تک
Twenty five days or by twenty five days
[Al Badr March 14 1907 p. 3]
It indicated that in 25 days starting from March 7 1907 – which is March 31 1907. Some grand or remarkable phenomenon would be shown for the truthfulness of Hazrat Ahmad (as).
This was all published beforehand in the Al Badr Issue of March 14 1907. In this issue, Hazrat Ahmad (as) interpreted it to either mean the grand sign would be manifested on April 1 1907 or March 31 1907.
4 – ‘twenty five days’ (or by twenty five days)…
[Al Badr March 14 1907 p. 3] (*Translation from Haqiqatul Wahi English, with slight changes)
The revelation indicates that upon the very lapse of twenty-five days from 7 March 1907, or within twenty-five days from 7 March, some new phenomenon will make its appearance. And it is but necessary that the providence of God will hold back this phenomenon for a period of twenty-five days beginning as of 7 March 1907 or that this event will happen within twenty-five days from 7 March 1907. If we interpret it [the revelation] in terms of twenty five days, it necessarily follows that we should expect the event to happen on 1 April [1907], because according to the revelation 7 March is part of the stipulated twenty-five days. In this case the prescribed limit of twenty-five days ends on 31 March [1907]. So in this way the month for the prophecy’s occurance is found to be April. With regard to the question as to what exactly the phenomenon will be which has been prophesied, I am unable to say anything except that it will be an amazing or terrible occurrence which, subsequent to its appearance, will demonstrate the fulfilment of a prophecy. And we also cannot say whether that event relates to myself, or if it relates to our friends, or if it is relates to our opponents. That affair which God has concealed, we cannot reveal.

Exactly, on March 31 1907, after 25 days passed from March 7 1907, an astonishing phenomenon was seen in the skies of many parts in India. The heaven was lit up with flames of fire. And it was reported to be a brilliant meteor shower. Right afterwards, many first-hand witnesses wrote to Hazrat Ahmad (as) to congratulate him on the clear fulfilment of his prophecy, and newspapers also recorded the strange occurrence.
Civil & Military Gazette April 3 1907
The issue of Civil & Military Gazette (Lahore) for April 3 1907 recorded the meteor of Sunday (March 31 1907) was of great brilliancy. It records a few places in British India where it was seen and records it to be an extraordinary phenomenon.
SEVERAL correspondents have written to tell us of the aërolite which was seen on Sunday afternoon about a quarter to five o’clock. It was of great brilliancy, and its fall from the sky was followed in Lahore by an immensely long double train of what looked like smoke. It was seen at Rawalpindi in a south-easterly direction from that station. There was bright sunshine at the time. Some of our correspondents inquire if there are any cases on record of a meteorite being visible under such conditions, and others point out that if the phenomenon had occurred after dark the sight must have been of surpassing brilliancy.
[Civil & Military Gazette April 3 1907 p. 2]

Civil & Military Gazette April 6 1907
Again in the issue of April 6 1907, Civil & Military Gazette wrote a first-hand experience of this strange and amazing occurrence which happened on Sunday (March 31 1907) between 4 pm and 5 pm.
[Civil & Military Gazette April 6 1907 p. 6]
SIR, – On Sunday afternoon between 4 and 5 I happened to notice in a northerly direction from Dalhousie an occurrence closely corresponding with the description in your issue of the 3rd of the fall of an aërolite which took place near Lahore on the same day about the same time. A volume of smoke in the shape of an inverted cone was seen to be rising from a point some 10 to 20 miles distant and perhaps rather higher in level than that of Dalhousie, and gave a yellowish tinge to the background of snowy heights. The circumstance was sufficiently singular as to induce me to fetch a field glass to observe it more closely. My first idea was to attribute the smoke to a forest fire; but that idea was dismissed as soon as conceived, as in the first place the time of year would make a forest fire out of the question, and secondly the smoke from a forest fire would not all rise from a single point.
The observation of similar occurrences at three places in the Punjab leads to the inference that this part of India was visited on Sunday afternoon last, not by one aërolite, but by a shower of aërolites; as it may be held that, for every aërolite effect seen, there were a host that were unnoticed, and will never be recorded.

First-Hand Experiences
Hazrat Ahmad (as) also received dozens of letters from first-hand witnesses congratulating him on the clear fulfilment of the prophecy. He (as) produced them in Haqiqatul Wahi and explained the clear fulfilment of his prophecy. This article quotes three of the dozens of letters Hazrat Ahmad (as) received and recorded in Haqiqatul Wahi.
Sayyed Ahmad Ali Shah, Sufaid-Posh – March 31, 1907
Today at 4 pm, on 31 March 1907, I witnessed a heavenly Sign the like of which I had never seen in my entire life. What looked like a small fragment of fire [moved] from south to north. About 2 feet square in size and a quarter of a mile above ground it had a three coloured, red, green, and rose tail which looked like smoke; and that tail would become like a cloud and lessen, and sound like heavy rain. This fragment of fire was seen by all, men and women, Hindus and Christians, and others. It travelled a couple of miles to the north near the town and emitted a sound like the noise of a couple of cannons or of shells, and then disappeared as we watched. Thus was fulfilled Hudur’s prophecy relating to the 25 days which was made on 7 March because this very strange manifestation was seen on 31 March.
[Haqiqatul Wahi English p. 661 | Original Old Urdu p. 526-527]

‘Umar-ud Din Chaudhary – March 31, 1907
The prophecy of 7 March 1907 for the manifestation of which a condition precedent comprised the time frame of twenty-five days or ‘by the twenty-fifth day’ and in which it was written that the event would be amazing and awe-inspiring came to be fulfilled today by the grace of Allah the Exalted. This humble one in company with some of my brethren, namely Jiań Lambardar; Fadl Ilahi, a landlord; Ali Bakhsh, a landlord, and a few others were sitting near the mosque and observing things. It was early evening, the time of the late afternoon ‘Asr Prayer, when a sizeable fragment of fire fell from the sky to the north-east of our village. The fire emitted was so intense that the spectators covered their eyes with their palms and a long smoky tail remained in the sky for a little while. This awesome and amazing spectacle astonished the men and women. Whatever news of future events the Gracious God reveals to His appointed one is fulfilled at its appointed time.
[Haqiqatul Wahi English p. 662 | Original Old Urdu p. 527]

‘Inayatulla, Dyer – March 21, 1907
Congratulations! The divine Sign which was to be fulfilled within 25 days has come to pass. The following people stated that on 31 March, at 4 pm during the day an extremely bright flame of light appeared, turned into smoke and subsequently came down like a cloud. Ganga Ram Arora, Dina Nath, Bagga Khatri, Thakur Das, Rahim Bakhsh Nelari postal clerk Chawinda, contractor ‘Abdullah. I saw it turning into smoke and falling down. My postman Ram too saw it.
[Haqiqatul Wahi English p. 662 | Original Old Urdu p. 528]

To conclude, the whole timeline of the great prophecy was:
- Hazrat Ahmad (as) received the revelation on March 7, 1907 ‘Twenty-five days or by twenty-five days’ and this was published in Al Badr on March 14, 1907
- It meant that in 25 days starting from March 7, 1907 – that is on March 31, 1907, some exceptional phenomenon would be shown as a sign
- Exactly on March 31, 1907, a meteor shower of great brilliance took place as visible in India – it was recorded in newspapers
- The prophecy was clearly fulfilled and first-hand witnesses wrote to Hazrat Ahmad (as) to congratulate him
This prophecy is only one of many clear prophecies fulfilled for Hazrat Ahmad (as) – it unequivocally proves he was a recipient of divine revelation, and that his claims of being the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi were true.
The reason why Hazrat Ahmad (as)’s prophecies were fulfilled is to prove Islam is the only living religion, and that Our Noble Prophet Muhammad (saw) was truthful. Hazrat Ahmad (as) was a servant of Hazrat Muhammad (saw) – the Seal of the Prophets.