The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Tag: Khalifatul Masih 2

How to perform Salat-ul-Witr

Salat-ul-Witr is the odd number of Rak’at prayed after Salat-ul-‘Isha and before Salat-ul–Fajr Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) The manner of praying Salat-ul-Witr, according to the Promised Messiah(as) ایک صاحب نے سوال کیا کہ وتر کس طرح پڑھنے چاہئیں ۔ اکیلا بھی جائز ہے یا نہیں ؟فرمایا :۔اکیلا وتر تو ہم . . . Read more

Caliphs of Ahmadiyyat on Israel/Arab conflict

Khalifatul Masih 3, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad RH stated: اللہ تعالی الحی القیوم ہے اور اس نے انسانی زندگی اور اس کی بقا کے لئے بے شمار سامان پیدا کئے ہیں۔ اس لئے جان بوجھ کر خود کو ہلاکت میں ڈالنا اللہ تعالے کو پسند نہیں اور اس کی نگاہ . . . Read more

Maulvi Naimatullah Khan

Quran-2:154: “And say not of those who are killed in the cause of Allah that they are dead; nay, they are living; only you perceive not.” The Afghan Martyrs “While the Khalifatul Masih and his party were still in London news arrived of the tragic death by stoning of Naimatullah . . . Read more

How was Rabwah in 1949?

A video recording was arranged by Br. Rashid Ahmad American in 1949 while he was in Rabwah studying at Jamia Ahmadiyya. This video was recorded after Br Rashid sought permission from Hadrat Khalifatul Masih II to send a video back to the American Jamaat.

Travellers and sick must pay Fidiya

Fidiya is paid so one can feed another person when one cannot fast due to sickness or a travel. The missed fast must be later made up at any time of the year. باقی جو بھی کھانا کھلانے کی طاقت رکھتا ہوا گر وہ مریض یا مسافر ہے تو اس . . . Read more

Promised Messiah (A.S) – Fasting during illness

The Promised Messiah (A.S) states: “The one who fasts during the month of Ramadan while being a traveler or in illness, disobeys the clear command of God Almighty. God Almighty has made it clear that those affected by illness and travelers should not fast. Recover from illness and fast after . . . Read more