The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Learn Languages

Learn Languages

Learning Languages is a great way to understand the Holy Qur’an and really delve deep into the religious knowledge and the more languages you know that others are lacking the more valuable you become.

Learn Arabic

۔ عربی اور انگریزی سیکھنے کی تلقین

میں یہ بھی اپنی جماعت کو نصیحت کرنی چاہتا ہوں کہ وہ عربی زبان سیکھیں کیونکہ عربی کی تعلیم کی بدوں قرآن کریم کا مزا نہیں آتا۔پس ترجمہ پڑھنے کے لئے ضروری اور مناسب ہے کہ تھوڑا تھوڑا عربی زبان کو سیکھنے کی کوشش کریں۔آجکل تو آسان آسان طریق عربی کے پڑھنے کے لئے نکل آئے ہیں۔قرآن شریف کا پڑھنا جبکہ ہر مسلمان کا فرض ہے تو کیا اس کے معنے یہ ہیں کہ عربی زبان سیکھنے کی کوشش نہ کی جاوے اور ساری عمر انگریزی اور دوسری زبانوں کے حاصل کرنے میں کھو دی جاوے

I should like to advise the members of my Jamaat that they should learn Arabic language, for, without the Arabic language one cannot enjoy the Holy Quran. In order to know the translation of the Holy Quran, one must try to be studying a little of Arabic also. Now-a-days, many methods have been introduced for the study of this language.

Since it is obligatory for every Muslim that he should study the Holy Quran, could it mean that one should waste the whole of his life in studying English and other languages at the expense of Arabic.

Malfuzat Volume 1 page 196

Formation of Majma-ul-Akhwaan

In March 1908, Hakeem Sahib, surcharged with the spirit and dedication of the great reformer, made a clarion call for setting up a Majma-ul-Akhwaan (an association of brothers). The whole life and work of Hakeem Sahib was replete with initiatives that had put first the promotion and propagation of the Holy Qur’an. It generated such a high level of momentum that each and every Ahmadi became a torchbearer of this remarkable Divine book. It was this spirit that took him to Anjuman-i-Isha’at-i-Islam, and it was this dedication that brought him to the fold of Ahmadiyyat and he placed himself at the feet of his master. He was also very keen that Ahmadis, in particular, along with other Muslims, should learn the Arabic language, so that the Arabic language may become a uniting force in the world of Islam. This would also sharpen the understanding and perception of the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith.

Hakeem Sahib outlined seven guiding principles of this Association (Al-Hakam, Qadian, March 10, 1908, p. 7). Three of them are listed below:

– Wherever there is ill feeling among the members of the Movement, it should be allayed and they should be united as one being.

– Mutual consultations and prayers should be the tool of co operation.

-Launching of small journals and magazines in support of Islam.

In order to promote the aims and objectives of this Association, he wrote letters to scholars in Egypt to find out how fast the education in Arabic could be spread.

Point 5-Some means may be found of spreading proficiency in Arabic generally among all Muslims and particularly among members of the Ahmadiyya Movement, for this is the only means whereby Muslims in all regions of the earth can promote unity and accord between themselves. Besides, understanding of the Holy Quran and Hadith depends upon proficiency in Arabic. We should make a special effort in this behalf and discover a means of achieving this purpose, as, for instance, a means of traversing the earth has been found through the railway.

[Al Hakam Majma al Akhwan – Badr vol.7, No.11, March 19, 1908]

*For the 7 conditions of Majma al Akhwan see Chauhdary Zafrullah Khan’s book on Maulana Noor-ud-Deen page 145

Man should learn three languages

انسان کو تین زبانیں سیکھنی لا زم ہیں۔اول دین کی زبان۔ملک کے شرفا کی زبان اور حاکم وقت کی زبان۔

حکیم الامت حضرت مولوی نور الدین صاحب خلیفتہ المسیح الاول ؓ

الحکم ۱۰ جون

Man must learn three languages. Firstly, The language of the Deen (religion). The language of the nobles of the country and the language of the ruler of the time.

Hakim-ul-Ummat Hazrat Maulvi Noor-ud-Din Sahib Khalifatul Masih I

[Al Hakam June 10 1903]

Ibn Taymiyyah(rh) quoting Umar (RA) about learning arabic.

Umar ibn al-Khattāb رضي الله عنه said: “Learn Arabic! For verily, it is from your religion!”

[Iqtidha’ al Sirat al Mustaqim, 1/528]

Every Waqf-e-Nau should know Arabic and Urdu

Learn different languages. Every Waqf-e-Nau should know Arabic and Urdu. Also learn an additional language, e.g, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, French, Turkish, Norwegian, etc. Try to excel in the language of your choice.

Waqfe Nau Syllabus Part 3 Ages 15-21 Scan

[Book Link]

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Delivers ENTIRE Khutbah Telling Ahmadis to learn Arabic, Urdu, and the Local Language

Learn Arabic, Urdu, and the Local Language

The first Ahmadi Muslim missionary to Russia, Hazrat Maulvi Zahoor Hussain, was immediately detained upon arrival as a suspected British spy. He subsequently spent two years in the most horrendous conditions while being mercilessly tortured.

Despite these circumstances, he continued to win converts while being moved from jail to jail in foreign lands. Eventually, he was returned to India where he continued to serve the Jamaat. No doubt, he was an exemplary missionary and his sacrifices will forever live in history.

When he was younger, he was about to enroll in the newly opened Ahmadiyya School, Madrasa Ahmadiyya. He writes about an interesting encounter he had with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira around that time:

Do you think that by studying the Arabic language, Allah will not provide you sustenance?

“Once, I accompanied Huzoor(ra) [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I] as he was walking to deliver a dars after Asr prayers at Masjid Aqsa. When Huzoor(ra) climbed the final step, he placed one hand on my shoulder and another on his blessed beard and said to me: 

“‘Do you think that by studying the Arabic language, Allah will not provide you sustenance? I have studied the Arabic language and look at how Allah is providing for me.’”

“I hold Allah the Almighty as my witness, since that day, He has been my Guarantor and never has there been a need of mine that He has not Himself fulfilled out of His sheer grace.”

 (Mujahid-e-Rus-wa-Bukhara pp. 9-10)

Encouragement to learn Three Languages

تین زبانیں سیکھنے کی تاکید

ساری خوبیاں ، آرام اور سکھ انسان کو حاصل ہو جاتے ہیں جبکہ وہ خدا کا بن جاتا ہے بڑے بد بخت ہیں وہ لوگ جو قرآن شریف سے لذت نہیں اٹھاتے ۔ یا درکھو انسان کو تین زبا نہیں ضرور سیکھنی چاہئیں ۔اول مذہب کی زبان ، دوم با دشاہ کی زبان سوم ملک کی زبان ۔ اور اب موجودہ حالت میں گویا عربی ، انگریزی ، اردو یہ زبانیں اعلی درجہ کی حاصل کرو۔ قرآن کی زبان شرافت ، عزت بڑھانے کا موجب ہے ۔ عرب پہلے کیا تھے؟ کچھ بھی نہ تھے قرآن کے بعد تمام دنیا کے فاتح اور امام کہلاۓ ۔ اب عرب نے قرآن چھوڑ دیا دیکھو بھیک مانگتے پھرتے ہیں ۔ قرآن شریف انسان کو شریف اور تاریخی انسان بنادیتا ہے پس اگر شریف اور تاریخی انسان بننا چاہتے ہو تو قرآن کو پکڑو۔

All the rewards, relaxation, and sadness a person receives when a person becomes a man of God. Very unfortunate are those who pick up the Qur’an without any love and taste. Remember that a human must know three languages.

Firstly, the language of religion.

Second, the language of the king.

Thirdly, the language of the country.

Under current circumstances you should learn Arabic, Urdu, English in their best qualities. The Language of the Qur’an brings up sharafat(innocence and piety) and increases izzat(honour). Before what were Arabs? They were absolutely nothing, after the Qur’an they were called the victors and imams of the whole world. Now Arabs have left Quran, look how they beg for money. Qur’an Shareef makes a human shareef(innocent and pious) and a tareekhi(historical) human. Thus if you want to be a shareef(innocent and pious) and a tareekhi(historical) human, grab Qur’an.

Hakim-ul-Ummat Hazrat Maulvi Noor-ud-Din Sahib Khalifatul Masih I

Al-Hakam September 24, 1900