The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahlliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Did the Promised Messiah (AS) claim to be a reincarnation of anyone?

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Anti-Ahmadis lie that the Promised Messiah (AS) claimed to be a reincarnation of Isa (AS) or other people. Since reincarnation is a Hindu belief and has no precedence in Islam, therefore, he is a false prophet.


May Allah’s curse be upon the liars. Ahmad (AS) refuted the heretical belief of reincarnation throughout his books. There are so many passages that we cannot even quote them all here. We will only post 3 such passages.

I have explained in many of my books that my claim of being Jesus the Messiah and Muhammad Mahdi is not based on the
idea that I am actually Jesusas or the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa. Nevertheless, those who have not carefully studied my books might surmise that I am referring to reincarnation, as if I claim that the souls of both these holy men have reappeared in me. This is not so.

[The British Government and Jihad, pg. 29]

The Promised Messiah as said: “The concept of reincarnation is a blasphemy and turns a person’s moral faculties to dust. For when it is accepted that everything we attain in this world is the result of our deeds, it must also be accepted in turn that, God forbid, Allah Almighty sits idle completely. The reason being that, by virtue of this concept, it is suggested that the Creator cannot create anything of His own accord and that He is not the Creator of even a single particle, because the view put forth in this regard is that everything that is received in this world is the result of man’s actions. For example, if no one were to commit evil deeds so that they would return in the form of a cow or buffalo, or become a sheep or goat, no one would have any milk or anything else for that matter. Now if a god who neither creates anything nor grants anyone anything is not a useless god, then what is he?

Another damage that is inflicted upon one’s moral strength by this concept of transmigration is that one’s faculty of honour is completely destroyed. Now when the Vedas have provided no list specifying that such and such person has returned in such and such form, how can one rule out the possibility that a man, in a certain cycle of birth could even marry his mother or sister and produce children; or a father could return in the form of a horse and his son could mount it and discipline it with a whip? In short, this concept is one which leads to vile consequences. Was transmigration not enough? The Aryas even advance the concept of niyoga from the Vedas as well.”

[Malfuzat, vol. 3, pg. 22-23]

He also specifically refuted the lies of the Anti-Ahmadis of his time.

Read the verse about Khilafat [Successorship] in Surah an-Nur with careful deliberation. I, too, have come according to the promise given therein. And this is why I am called the Promised One. It is not that the very same previous Messiah is to come by way of reincarnation. On the contrary, Allah the Exalted knew that Muslims would deteriorate in the Latter Days, and the condition of Muslims during the time of the Promised Muhammadan Messiah would become comparable to the condition of the Jews during the time of Jesus, peace be upon him

[Malfuzat, vol. 10, pg. 536-537]
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