The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahiliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Category: Allegations on Promised Messiah

Did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS) die on the toilet?

Introduction When faced with the challenge of responding to Ahmadi Muslims based on the teachings of the Holy Quran and Ahadith, opponents of the Ahmadiyya community resort to deceitful tactics, revealing their true character. One such tactic involves spreading falsehoods about the honorable passing of the Promised Messiah (AS). They . . . Read more

Qadianism Debunked?

Introduction There is an image that is circulated on the social media in an attempt to refute the beliefs of Ahmadi Muslims. Instead of refuting us, it only showcases the ignorance of the Anti-Ahmadis regarding our beliefs. We have created a similar infographic as a quick response to it. We . . . Read more

Do Ahmadis deny the miracles of Isa (AS)?

Introduction Anti-Ahmadis allege that the Ahmadi Muslims deny the miracles of Isa (AS) that are mentioned in the Quran. This is a complete lie. We accept every miracle that is mentioned in the Quran and the authentic ahadith. Refutation The Promised Messiah (AS) encountered the same allegation and his reply . . . Read more