Category: Deobandi
Introduction So-called “Hakīm-ul-Ummah” Ashraf Ali al-Tahānwī (Thanvi) plagiarized from Khalifat-ul-Masih-il-Awwal Hakīm-ul-Ummah al-‘Allāmah al-Muhaddith al-Hafiz al-Haaj al-Mufassir Maulānā Nūruddīn al-Bhairawī RA Incident of Plagiarism Ashraf Ali Thanwi plagiarized from an Eid al-Fitr Khutba dated 21 December 1903 by Maulānā Nūruddīn RA and put it in his book ‘Ahkam-e-Islam Aqal Ki Nazar . . . Read more
Maulvi Ashraf Thanwi issued a dangerous fatwa declaring it is HARAM to read the translation of the Quran! These clerics do not want people to have a deep understanding of the Quran but want people to recite Arabic like parrots without truly knowing what is being recited, this is a . . . Read more
The founder of the Deobandi sect, Ashraf Ali Thanvi says: If a person has sexual intercourse with a minor girl, ghusl will not be obligatory on her. But in order to get her into the habit, she should be made to bath. [Bahishti Zewar, pg 71]
Introduction Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanwi holds the position of Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Physician of the Ummah, among Deobandis. What is utterly shocking is that Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi copied Maulvi Fazl Khan Changawi, Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA), and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(AS). Maulvi Fazl Khan Changwi was an Ahmadi Scholar who wrote Asrar-e-Shariat spanning . . . Read more
Introduction The non-Ahmadi Muslims have many unislamic beliefs. One of them is that one can enjoy sexual pleasures with one’s minor (pre-pubescent wife). This is an agreed-upon belief of ALL 4 Sunni Madhab and Shias. Although Islam allows Nikah between anyone (pre-pubescent or adult), consummation can only happen after puberty. . . . Read more
It is actually a misconception that no Non-Ahmadi Scholar of high repute has considered Ahmadis Muslim. Pre-1974 Ahmadi Muslims weren’t seen the same way that they are seen today by the wider ummah. Although we do not need a certificate of being Muslimness, as a point of order to blast . . . Read more