Category: Deviants
Introduction Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanwi holds the position of Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Physician of the Ummah, among Deobandis. What is utterly shocking is that Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi copied Maulvi Fazl Khan Changawi, Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA), and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(AS). Maulvi Fazl Khan Changwi was an Ahmadi Scholar who wrote Asrar-e-Shariat spanning . . . Read more
Introduction Salafi Najdis create these non-existent criteria for Prophethood while at the same time believing a Mushrik can be a Prophet! Nauzubillah. A person who rejects Tawhid can become a Prophet? Saleh b. Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh says: “It is allowed for the Prophets and Messengers that they would not be . . . Read more
Introduction The non-Ahmadi Muslims have many unislamic beliefs. One of them is that one can enjoy sexual pleasures with one’s minor (pre-pubescent wife). This is an agreed-upon belief of ALL 4 Sunni Madhab and Shias. Although Islam allows Nikah between anyone (pre-pubescent or adult), consummation can only happen after puberty. . . . Read more
It is actually a misconception that no Non-Ahmadi Scholar of high repute has considered Ahmadis Muslim. Pre-1974 Ahmadi Muslims weren’t seen the same way that they are seen today by the wider ummah. Although we do not need a certificate of being Muslimness, as a point of order to blast . . . Read more
Introduction Assalam Alaykum and peace be with you! It is an indisputable fact that Hazrat Hakeem-e-Ummat Haji-e-Haramayn Karymayn Maulvi Noor-ud-Deen(RA) believed he was a Khalifa appointed by God and that his authority was from God and not from the Anjuman. He delivered many Khatabat(speeches) and Khutbat(Sermons) about Khilafat and while . . . Read more
Introduction Paigham e Sulah (Message of Peace) was one of the final books writen by the Promised Messiah and dealt with Hindu-Muslim relations. When Maulvi Muhammad Ali went to Lahore after 1909 he started a newspaper known as Paigham e Sulah based on that final book of Masih Maud(AS) of . . . Read more
Introduction It is often claimed that the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam had ties with the British but what is ironic is that the Ahle Hadith movement arguably had stronger ties towards the British. We will start by quoting Abū Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥusayn Baṭālvī who was a leading Ahle-Hadith scholar in . . . Read more
Introduction To distract you from discussing the true understanding of Islamic concepts, opponents of Ahmadiyya attack the Promised Messiah’s (A.S) character by alleging, among other vile things, that he A.S would allow non-mahmram women to touch him or he A.S would sleep while they were in the room. It should . . . Read more
Despite Futahat e Kufr , We will still call Masih Maud(as) a Prophet We do not care about Fatwas It was mentioned that Maulvi Muhammad Husayn Sahib said that if Ahmadis stop saying that Mirza Sahib is a prophet then we will take back our fatwa of kufr. Hazrat Khalifatul . . . Read more
Lahori Tehreef: EDITING OUT KHILAFAT AND NABUWAT one stroke at a time Believe it or not, Lahoris did edit their books and since we can compare the two copies it becomes strikingly clear what is missing. Basically a book named Miraq ul Yaqeen fi Hayat-e- Noor-ud-Deen was published in 1912 . . . Read more