The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever dies without an Imam will die a death of Jahlliyyah” (Musnad Ahmad)

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Noor-ud-Deen(RA) and Nabuwaat-e-Masih

Despite Futahat e Kufr , We will still call Masih Maud(as) a Prophet

We do not care about Fatwas

It was mentioned that Maulvi Muhammad Husayn Sahib said that if Ahmadis stop saying that Mirza Sahib is a prophet then we will take back our fatwa of kufr. Hazrat Khalifatul Maseeh(ra) stated: What do we care about their fatwas? We are not concerned about their edicts; and what is their worth? Ever since Maulavi Muhammad Husain has issued his edict, he can see himself how deep his honour has sunk, and how much honour has been bestowed upon Mirza Sahib.

Badr April 12, 1911 – We do not care about Fatwas

“Allah made one from the sons of Umar (i.e. Nurrudin) the first Khalifa of a Prophet”